There were so many things, like men and friends, that she wished she could talk to her mother about. Her father and brother were solution focused. Any problem she had, all they cared about was creating a logical solution. They hadn’t mastered the concept of emotional venting or talking just to get things out.
“What do you mean?” Cashmere asked, opening her crossed arms, and Lei appreciated the gesture of openness.
“I get why you don’t try harder to connect with me, but I wish you would. I know I have my issues, our conversation today is proof that I still have work to do, but you’re my mother. It would mean the world to be able to talk to you like this and spend time with you more often. I love Daddy and Cade, but I love you too, Ma. I want us to be closer.”
As tears filled Cashmere’s eyes, she pulled Lei into her arms. The embrace held all the warmth and security she needed.
“I love you too, Lei. I always have, and I always will. I didn’t know you felt this way, but now that I do, Mama’s gonna take it from here.”
Cashmere’s declaration caused Lei to melt in her mother’s arms, and in that moment, her issues with Yandi completely left her mind.
“Leave the car running,”Londen commanded.
He was officially a free man, and the first person he wanted to see was Lei. As hard as it was to wait for her to get home, Londen did. It didn’t seem wise to go to her office to see her publicly until they discussed how they would handle their relationship. Besides, Londen was adamant about speaking to Ace first. With the major secret he was keeping from Lei, they needed to discuss how they were going to handle that as soon as possible.
As anxious as Londen was to see Lei, he couldn’t stick around long. He had a lot to do in preparation of the new life he was about to live. Since she was going to be a big part of that, Londen had to get ready. He appreciated Lei rocking with him while he was behind bars, and she would be rewarded for it, but things were going to be a hell of a lot different going forward. Women like Lei deserved the world, and Londen had every intent of giving her as much of it as he possibly could.
His driver, Keith, closed the door of Londen’s Bentley after he stepped out of it. Some things still hadn’t changed, and Londen had no intentions of driving himself around unless he absolutely had to. As he made his way to Lei’s front door, he pulled in a deep breath.
Would Lei be happy he was out? Yes. What Londen was concerned about was how she would handle his proximity. It was no secret to him that she had demons from past hurt that kept her from fully surrendering to their bond. He’d never been the type of man to half ass anything, and that would include his pursuit of her. All Londen could do was hope that didn’t cause a rift between them, because he was coming for her… and Londen was the kind of man thatalwaysgot what he wanted.
After ringing the doorbell, Londen took a step back. He didn’t realize he was holding his breath until she opened the door and became his release. Lei’s eyes widened and she squealed. Just as she was about to jump into his arms, she stopped herself.
“I don’t want to mess up your ’fit.”
“Woman, fuck this shit.” Londen tugged her close as he told her, “Come here.”
If the choice was having her close or wrinkling the silk short-sleeved shirt he had tucked inside of his slacks, he’d choose hereveryfucking time.
“What are you doing here?” Lei asked, cupping the back of his neck and looking into his eyes.
“I’m out.”
Her lips formed anOas she inquisitively looked his face over. Seconds passed as she processed his words.
“You’re out? Of prison?”
Londen chuckled. “Yes, Baby. Your man is officially out on parole.”
“Yay! Oh my God, babe! I’m so, so happy for you!” Her grip around him tightened, and Londen didn’t mind at all. “Come in…”
Between the seductive tone of her voice and way she looked into his eyes, Londen wanted nothing more, but he had to resist.
“I can’t. I wanted to stop by and let you know I was out, but I have a lot of things to do before I’m worthy of you.”
As he placed Lei on her feet, she chuckled. Her hands rested on her hips as she looked behind him toward the Bentley.
“I don’t understand.”
“I know I did a lot for you while I was locked down to prove you wouldn’t regret talking to a man in prison, but now that I’m out, I have to come harder.”
She released an irritated sigh and rolled her eyes. “Londen…”
“Regardless of what you say, I’m a man, Baby. I have to be at a certain place in my life to be worthy of you. When I get to that point, I promise I’ll be coming back here for you.”
With a pout, Lei hugged him. “How long is this going to take?”