“I get it from my family and friends, so I’m good.”
“Nah, Baby.” Londen chuckled as he squeezed her thigh. She was avoiding his eyes and the sight was cute. Licking the corner of his mouth, Londen turned her face in his direction by her chin. “I’m not talking about familial or platonic love. I’m talking about the love that completes you and makes you feel safe, secure, and warm in a cold world. The kind of love that makes you feel invincible. Like you’re never alone. The kind of love that gives more than it takes. Unconditional. Fulfilling. Yours and yours alone.” When her head lowered, he lifted it again. “One you don’t have to share with anyone else. Can you honestly tell me you don’t want that? A love, a man, that’s yours and yours alone?”
Nibbling her cheek, Lei looked into his eyes as hers watered. “He was supposed to be mine and mine alone, but he cheated, so…”
“He wasn’t meant to be yours then. I can guarantee you that the man who is will be so satisfied with himself that he won’t need to seek fulfillment in a woman that isn’t you. Niggas ain’t breaking up happy homes because of anything their woman lacks. It’s always because of something that’s fucked up within themselves. Something they don’t have the courage to fix, so they break their woman’s heart in an attempt to cover their own holes.”
“And I’m to believe you’re satisfied enough with yourself to be faithful to me?”
“Yeah,” he answered simply. “I can show you that with time, though, if you’ll allow me to. I’m confident my character can speak for itself. All I need is a chance.”
“Why do you want one? I mean… we know a bit about each other, but not enough for you to want to take on the burden of loving a woman like me.”
“I know enough.”
She paused, waiting eyes staring into his for more. “That’s all you’re going to say?”
Londen released a hearty chuckle. “Yeah, Baby. You’ll learn, I show more than I ever tell. I want you to experience me for yourself and learn to trust what I’m willing to offer you.”
Lei rested her forehead on his for a brief moment before lifting it and kissing his.
“I’m even more curious about who you are now.”
Londen considered telling her the full truth. If he did, he’d have to tell her he came into the fold of the secret society through her father for killing the man who kidnapped her. That was a truth he’d tell her one day, but only when he was sure she was willing to give them a chance and he talked to Ace about it first.
“I told you I was in the streets.”
“Right, but a lot of men in prison are. What makes you different?”
“My wealth, reputation, and connections.” Londen paused, rubbing his hand across his beard. “I bounced from Memphis to Rose Valley Hills. Before I was arrested, I started doing more work for the secret society. Hits and protection mostly. That protection extended to some very powerful people here in Memphis. As thanks, I live a more… favored lifestyle while I’m here.” He shrugged, as if what he was alluding to was normal.
“So when you said you know my father; does that mean you know him personally? Did you work for him?”
“You know I can’t give you information on my clients or what I do for them. That’s a part of the oath.”
“Well, can you at least tell me what side of the law you intend to abide by if you are released early? Are you going back to the streets, or will you continue with the secret society?”
“I can’t think that far in the future. I have to actually get paroled first. If so, that decision will be determined by a lot of things… including you.”
“How so?”
“If we’re together, I’d want to stay out of the streets. That’s not a guarantee that I’ll be in the secret society though. That lifestyle will demand a lot of my time and energy. After doing a decade in here, I want to live my life for me.”
“I understand. I was the same way when I first made it to Rose Valley. Every decision I made had to benefit me most. It took about two years before I even wanted to start working again.”
Maybe they had more in common than Londen thought.
“I’m glad you understand.”
Londen did have a lot to consider though. If he went back to Rose Valley Hills, temptation to get back in the streets would be on every side. His family and friends were there, anxiously awaiting his arrival. Memphis would probably be his best bet, but would Lei want to follow him there? Did he deserve for her to? She had a complete life setup there. Was it fair for him to bombard his way inside and demand change?
Those thoughts and decisions would have to wait. In that moment, all Londen wanted to do was enjoy having Lei in his presence.
It wasLonden’s intent to cancel his pen pal membership when he and Lei started talking, but when they started with their handwritten letters, he completely forgot about it. When he did sign in to cancel his profile, he saw a message from Yandi asking to visit him. He started to tell her no, however, the knowledge of her being Lei’s friend caused him to say yes. A week later, she had a visitor profile setup for their virtual visit, but Londen decided to see her face to face instead.
When she walked into the room, her aura immediately took up space. Londen watched as she removed her shades, tossing them into her large, luxury handbag. Yandi released a tired huff, as if it was an inconvenience for her to have to walk for herself. With a chuckle, Londen ran his hand down the back of his neck as she walked over to the table where he was seated. He desperately wanted to get inside her mind and see if she had any qualities like Lei at all. How did these two women end up as friends?