“Babe, I don’t care how small or big the gift is. I’m just grateful you thought of me,” Lei replied.
“I think of you daily. That won’t ever change.”
Yandi’s eyes rolled as she clicked out of the video. Apparently, whatever Lei did to thank him for the play tickets off-line motivated Londen to one up himself. Today’s gift was a flight to Greece, where the first recorded play was done. Lei cried and jumped into his arms, and the display of love and gratitude had Yandi releasing a low growl as she chunked her phone onto the table.
“That’s supposed to be me,” she whined, though she’d never be so excited about something as boring as a play. A trip to Greece, however, would do.
Her phone vibrating on top of the table gained her attention. Yandi didn’t realize how upset she was until she accepted Mercedes’ FaceTime request and saw the frown on her face. She tried to quickly soften her features, but it didn’t help.
“Who made you mad?” Mercedes asked with a teasing tone.
“Girl, Lei,” Yandi confessed. “She got me waiting up here for her and her ass is late. She’s probably fucking around with Londen’s ass.”
“I mean… she might be. That man is going hard for her since her birthday is next month. I wouldn’t want to leave his ass, either.”
Yandi’s eyes rolled as she all but snatched her drink from the waiter before he could set it down. She took a large gulp of the ginger mule before replying.
“Whatever. She acts like she ain’t never had a nigga to do shit for her before. It’s really pathetic.”
A few seconds passed before Mercedes chuckled and shook her head. Pulling her wavy hair out of her face, Mercedes pulled in a calming breath.
“You sound like a true hater right now, you know that? I don’t know what the fuck is up with you, but I don’t like it.”
“I’m just saying… it’s not a good look. That man is clearly buying her. Ain’t no telling what kind of abuse he’s going to put her through.”
Mercedes scoffed. “So you’re a hater because you’re concerned?That’sthe excuse you’re going with?”
Yandi laughed, sitting up in her seat. Anger was coursing through her body, and it needed to be moved around.
“Because I’m looking out for my girl, I’m a hater?”
“You’re not looking out for your girl, you’re being a fucking hater, and I don’t tolerate that shit.”
“How am I being a hater?” Yandi yelled. “Because I’m tired of seeing her post all the shit he’s buying her? I’m supposed to be happy about that? That’s not the love she was supposed to find. She found a sponsor.”
“And you would know all about that, wouldn’t you?” Mercedes chuckled again under her breath before releasing a low, “Whew,” and scratching her ear. “You know what, I’ve known you far longer than I’ve known Lei, but I’m not going to let you disrespect her like this. Lei has been nothing but good to you. She always takes up for you and has your back. When everyone else talks shit about you, Lei is the one who comes to your defense. At one point, she swore you could do no wrong. For you to sit there and call her pathetic because she’s happy and being spoiled by a man knowing what she’s been through…” Mercedes’ head shook as her top lip curled. “That’spathetic. That girl is in love, and Londen loves her too. He doesn’t just buy her shit, but even if he did, if that’s how he expresses his love, that’stheirprerogative. You’re just mad because Londen is doing all of this for her and not you, and don’t think I didn’t hear about you trying to go after Noah too. I let it slide because I know that’s just how your ho ass is, but quite frankly, I’m disgusted by the sight of you. I’m done with your ass, Yandi. You arenota good person and I’m tired of trying to pretend as if you are.”
Before Yandi could respond, Mercedes was ending the FaceTime. Yandi’s eyes blinked rapidly as she stared at the wallpaper on her phone. Standing, she gripped the edge of the table as her leg shook. She looked out into the ocean and shook her head. Regardless of how things played out with Lei, her friendship with Mercedes was officially over… which meant her friendship with her sister, Lexus, was over too. Without them, there would be no Infinity. Now, Yandi would have no one. No one but Tussi.
This planhadto work.
“Hey.” The feel of Lei’s hand on her back caused Yandi to tense. “Are you okay?”
“Ye-yeah, I’m fine.”
Yandi sat down, and Lei took the seat across from her.
“How are you?”
“I’m okay, just a little frustrated but I’ll be good. How are you?”
“Really good.”
Lei’s grin had Yandi gritting her teeth. The waiter came to take Lei’s order, but she told him she wouldn’t be staying long.
“So, what’s up?” Yandi asked. “If you’re not staying, that’s not a good sign.”
With a small smile, Lei pulled hair behind her ears. Resting her elbows on the table, she looked out into the ocean.