Londen moaned as his dick throbbed. He carried her over to the patio, where he opened the door and handed his sister his wallet. “Here, get some cash and go somewhere for a few hours. Call me before you come back.”

“Hi,” Megan greeted with a wave. Her smile was wide and bright, and Londen knew she’d never let him forget this assist.

“Hi. I’m Lei.” Lei extended her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“You as well. Welcome to the family.”

Not bothering to let them say anything else to each other, Londen carried Lei to his room. She laughed at his urgency, and Londen really didn’t give a damn. After locking the door, he placed her in the middle of his bed.

“Babe, wait until she leaves.”

“Fuck that. I haven’t seen you in two days, and you just told me you love me.” As Londen pulled her Jordans off, Lei covered her face. “You need to get off your birth control.”

At the sound of his statement, Lei lowered her hands. “Huh?”

“You heard me, Baby.”


“Didn’t you say you wanted to be pregnant by the end of the year?” She nodded. “So get off your birth control.”

“And you’re okay with us not being married?”

He wasn’t, but Londen knew that would come.

“I know your past makes it difficult for you to value that right now, even though I know it’s going to happen. We’ll go in the order you need us to.”

Pulling him down to her, Lei connected their lips, and Londen was happy to hear the front door closing.

“Hey,” he called softly, looking into her eyes. “I love you.”


Making love to Lei for hours had completely drained Londen of his energy. When he woke up, it was to the sound of music and the smell of candles. He went into the living room, finding his woman and his sister dancing as if they’d been friends for years. That was a sight Londen loved to see. He took a quick picture of them before heading toward the kitchen to fix them all something to eat. He’d decided not to go to his parents’ house and was glad Megan didn’t either. This moment, with just the two of them, was perfect for Londen.

Lei’s arms wrapped around him from behind, and the gesture combined with the sound of her sweet voice as she asked, “Will you be my man?” made Londen’s heart squeeze.

He turned in her arms. “You sure you ready for that, Baby?”

Lei nodded, giving him a lazy smile. There was no telling how many bottles of wine they’d gone through.


“I would love to be your man. You know that’s all I’ve been waiting for.”

Lei stood on the tips of her toes and gave him a quick kiss before grabbing another bottle of the wine Megan had brought back off the counter, then headed back to the living room. She poured them both a glass before they took a few pictures and returned to their makeshift dancefloor, and Londen was convinced nothing could make that moment better.



Every daythat went by without Yandi hearing from Lei only fueled her anger and resentment. And when she saw Lei’s life being played out through social media—her family fun, time with Infinity and Mercedes, being absolutely spoiled by Londen—Yandi’s envy grew.

By the time two weeks had passed, Yandi had made up in her mind that she couldn’t play nice the way Tussi wanted her to. Tussi didn’t seem to care about how Yandi got close to Lei as long as she did, so when she shared that news, he came up with a plan that was so sinister Yandi had to consider just how dedicated to it she truly was. The only thing that made her agree was Tussi’s confirmation that no matter how things played out, no one would ever know she was involved.

It just so happened, after Tussi and Yandi established the new plan, that’s when Lei called. Almost like fate, Yandi agreed to meeting Lei at her favorite restaurant on the beach. It wasn’t lost on Yandi that Lei asked to meet her in public. That further confirmed she’d made the right choice. If Lei was about to end their friendship, Yandi wouldn’t have any more loyalty toward her.

While she waited for Lei to arrive, Yandi browsed her socials. As soon as she saw Lei pop up on Facebook, her eyes rolled. Apparently, Londen had already started to shower her with gifts for her birthday. Every day for the next month, until May seventh, she was going to receive a gift. Yandi had to stop herself from gagging as she watched Lei open the box that held tickets to a play that she had been raving about seeing. It irritated Yandi more to hear Infinity and Mercedes in the background. Yandi’s heart dropped when she heard Londen say, “The fact that you’re so happy about something as simple as tickets to a play will always motivate me to go hard for you.”