“Do I want to know what you got up your sleeve?”
Londen chuckled. “Nah, but when I put it into play, everybody in this ho gon’ know.”
“What’s up with you?”Mercedes asked, softly shoving Yandi in her arm. “You’ve been acting weird all night. I could have stayed at home for this.”
Lei wanted to agree with Mercedes, but she remained silent instead. It was Yandi’s idea that they go out that evening, but she’d had an attitude since they arrived. Usually, when something was bothering Yandi, she couldn’t wait to discuss it. Whatever the issue was, she was keeping it under wraps.
“I agree,” Infinity said, and as soon as the two words left her mouth, Yandi was laughing.
“Of course your co-signing ass agrees. You take every opportunity you can to talk shit about me.”
“Can y’all please not?” Lei requested before she could stop herself.
“Wow.” Yandi laughed as she stood from the round table. “Now when these bitches talking shit about me, you’re silent, but the moment I say something to Infinity, you got something to say.”
“I didn’t say anything because Mercedes is right; youdoseem off, and you have for a while.”
“Regardless, you’re supposed to have my back, just like you had Infinity’s back.”
“What does having your back have to do with anything?” Mercedes asked. “All Lei said was, can y’all please not? You act like she cursed you and your firstborn for saying something to Infinity.”
“Might as well,” Yandi mumbled. “Lei don’t really fuck with me like she claims to.”
“Okay, woah.” Lei lifted her hands. The chuckle she released wasn’t from amusement. “I don’t know what’s going on with you, but I’m not about to let you take it out on me.”
“Seriously. You’re more upset with her than me and Mercedes, and we’re the ones that called you out on your shit,” Infinity said.
Ignoring Infinity’s statement, Yandi grabbed a hundred-dollar bill from her wallet and tossed it onto the table before storming away.
“What the fuck was that?” Mercedes released a hard breath before chuckling.
“I have no idea,” Lei replied, pulling her wallet out as well. As far as she was concerned, their evening together was over. The last thing she wanted to do was to be out involved in drama. She did enough arguing and going back and forth every time she was in a courtroom. “I’m going to head out too, though. Y’all be safe.”
Absently, Lei hugged both women before leaving. When she made it outside and saw Yandi in her car, animatedly talking on the phone, Lei rolled her eyes and chuckled as she walked to her car. She had no idea what was going on with her friend, but she hoped Yandi got it together—soon.
It seemed Londen could feel when Lei was having a bad day. That evening, he had flowers, cash, and jewelry delivered with a note that said he’d be calling her at eight. Lei had never been more anxious for the sun to start to set. She hated to talk about the petty happenings within her friend group, but Lei had to get her mind off Yandi before she could truly focus on Londen. By the time she was done telling him about how distant and unlike herself Yandi had been acting and how she’d almost bit her head off earlier, Londen was sighing heavily into the receiver.
“I didn’t want to tell you this, but I need you to be aware of the energy and intentions that’s around you.”
Lei’s heart skipped a beat. She clutched the teddy bear Londen had gotten her tighter, sitting up in her bed.
“What is it?”
“Right after your first visit here, Yandi came to see me.”
Lei’s brows bunched as she tossed her feet over the side of the bed. “What? Why?”
As she paced, she listened to Londen intently. “She said she was trying to look out for me. She told me about the bet and you talking to Tussi, assuming I didn’t know. Her intention was for me to stop talking to you and pursue her. I made it clear to her that wasn’t going to happen and her disrespecting or hurting you wouldn’t be tolerated.” He paused, and Lei held on to the silence. “After that, she told Tussi who you really were and about the debt. I handled him, but he’s like a dog with a bone. He thinks Ace can help him get out and go legit, so if he’s been writing you more, it's because he’s trying to use you to get to your father because of Yandi.”
“Wow. I… don’t even know what to say.”
“Yes, you do. You just don’twantto say it.”
Plopping down on the edge of her bed, Lei squeezed her eyes shut as they watered. “Did you plan to share this with me had I not mentioned her?”