“I don’t either, but I promise I’ll call you as soon as I’m back in. We can talk until you fall asleep.”
Sniffling, Lei unwrapped her body from his. Londen avoided her eyes, and she figured it was best that way, because hers were seconds away from leaking.
As much asLonden didn’t want to, he ended his FaceTime session with Lei once her brother arrived. They had to talk, and Londen understood how important it was for her to fix things with him. The moment he sat next to Noah and prepared to speak, Montrell casually walked toward them. Instead of sitting right next to them, he made his way to the table directly behind them.
“Does he think we’re stupid?” Noah asked, causing Londen to chuckle and shake his head.
“I don’t know, but we can find out.” Turning slightly, Londen said, “Aye, com’ere.” Montrell looked around, and it took everything inside of Londen not to laugh. “You, nigga. Bring your ass over here.”
Montrell walked over, chin jutted out a lot higher than it should have been. “Wassup?”
“Who got you runnin’ up behind us?” Noah asked.
“Watchu mean?”
“You know what the fuck I mean, and I’m not going to repeat myself.”
Montrell’s head tilted as he casually looked around. “I don’t know what you talking about, big brotha.”
“You willing to die for whoever setting you up? They mean that much to you?” Londen confirmed.
Montrell’s eyes widened, and he shook his head adamantly. “It’s Tussi,” he grumbled. “He told me he’d keep my commissary stacked if I listened in on y’all conversations.”
“What is he looking for?” Noah asked.
“Details on y’all getting out of here or some’ about Lei.”
With one bob of his head, Londen stood. He stepped so close to Montrell their toes touched. “If you value your life, you’re going to forget about whatever he offered you.”
“I would but he said he’d kill me if I didn’t do it, so I’m fucked either way.”
“Nah. I’ll handle him. You just stay in your fucking lane and walk in the opposite direction when you see either of us,” Londen said, pointing down at Noah.
Montrell nodded and ran his hand down his chest before taking a few steps back and jogging away.
“Your parole was approved,” Noah said as he stood. “You’ll be out of here in two weeks. Either let me handle it, or let it ride.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
Before Londen could step forward, Noah was placing his hand in Londen’s chest. “I need you to practice the discipline I know you have. Regardless of what he’s trying to do with Lei, he has no power. And from what you’ve told me about your connection with her, she ain’t giving that nigga no play.” Noah stepped directly in front of him and said, “Let me handle it if you want it handled, otherwise, let it ride.”
“I don’t put shit past no man at this point. Find out what he’s up to and let me know.”
“I got you,” Noah agreed before walking away.
The last thing Londen wanted to do was have an issue with Tussi or anyone else for that matter so close to his release, but something was telling him Tussi would be a problem. Londen waited until Noah was out of sight to walk over to Tussi and sit next to him. Without acknowledging him, Tussi lifted his feet and placed them in the chair that was across from him.
“I can make your life in here far more miserable than you think it is,” Londen declared. Tussi looked over at him. “You think your records are sealed, but they aren’t. I know what your snitching ass said and did to get your time reduced.” Tussi’s eyes ballooned before he quickly played it off. “If you fuck with me or my girl, I’m going to make sure everybody in here knows what type of time you on,especiallyDevin.” Londen stood. “You snitched on his brother and got him locked up, just for him to be murdered in three days, right?” Londen smiled. “How do you think Devin’s going to take that news?”
Clearing his throat, Tussi stood. “I don’t know who told you that, but it’s a lie.”
“Yeah, okay. Just remember what the fuck I said.”
“Really, bruh?” Noah pushed Londen back gently before wrapping his arm around his shoulders and leading him in the opposite direction. “You just couldn’t resist, could you?”
“I kept it gentleman. But he shouldn’t try me going forward. If he does, I’m blowing up his spot with no hesitation.”