Page 46 of Talia

Fleet put his head back on the pillow and groaned. That was a no-brainer, but if Kyle heard him utter those words, he’d make some joke about that being good because Fleet didn’t have a brain, post-surgery.

Still, his mother was waiting for an answer.

He could only be honest again. “I think Talia’s the most fascinating woman I’ve ever met, Mom. I haven’t been able to get her out of my mind since the first time I set eyes on her.”

“Well, that says it all, then.” His mother smiled beatifically as if that solved all his problems. “You can’t let this set-back take away something that’s so important to you.” She leaned forward. “Talk to her, Fleet. Tell her your worries. She’ll handle it. When you find the right person, you learn how to work things like this through, together.”

Fleet’s mother glanced over at her husband, her face softening perceptibly.

Fleet knew the pair had met all kinds of challenges in their lives, not the least of which had been seeing their only son get railroaded by the law, and eventually moving away because of it. Could Fleet do any less?

“You still blow me away, Mom,” Fleet grumbled. “Always knowing just the right thing to say.”

“It comes with being a mother,” she stated, then a sparkle lit in her eyes. “Or a grandmother, which now has a chance of actually coming true.”

Fleet groaned. “Mother. Don’t get cocky just because I gave you a few well-deserved kudos for being sweet.”

Jim Eggers threw back his head and laughed. “Sweet? Oh, son. You’ve been gone a long time. Don’t you know why you picked a strong woman like Talia? It’s because you’ve been looking for someone just like your mother.”

Fleet blinked, but certainly couldn’t refute that.

“Now,” his mother stated, figuring everything was all settled, “the doctor said she’ll be doing her rounds later this morning, and she’ll let us know when you can be released. But in the meantime, would you like anything interesting for lunch? We have the okay to bring you something, since the lunch they picked for you is creamed chicken on toast. They obviously forgot you’re a vegetarian.” She made a hideous face, and Fleet laughed.

“Mom, thank you. I’ll take you up on that. I’d actually love some veggie tacos from the truck that’s parked down by the river,” he allowed, knowing his capitulation would make her happy.

“I can find that,” she said happily, getting up and walking over to gather up her purse, holding out her hand to her husband for the car keys. “You stay here with Fleet, Jim. Do you want something, too?”

“Sure,” his father chuckled. “As long as mine has meat.”

She dropped a kiss on her husband’s cheek while snagging the keys. “Anything for my boys.”

She opened the door where Kyle stood at attention right outside. She addressed him with a smile. “And how about you, young man? Would you like something from the Taco Truck downtown?”

Fleet could see Kyle’s eyes light up all the way from his bed. “Hell, yeah.” Kyle fist-pumped. “Three number fours with extra hot sauce, and a side of Mexican rice.” He dug in his pocket for money.

“Uh, uh. This is on me today,” Fleet’s mother scolded, placing a hand on Kyle’s arm to stop him. “You’ve been watching over my boy, so it’s the least I can do.”

Kyle’s never-ending smile got broader. “I accept. Just don’t tell my brother. He thinks I mooch too much.”

Fleet had to hold in his laugh. He’d heard that Kyle got a lot out of life by using his charms, and sure enough, it had just worked on Fleet’s mother.

* * *

The person lingeringnear the nurse’s station heard the laughter and snarled internally. Did these lowlifes really think they could just continue on as if nothing had happened? Of course, as a deterrent, theyhadstationed that laughing-hyena of a cop outside the asshole’s door. But that wasn’t a deal breaker. If Fleet couldn’t be reached because of increased security, there was always thegirlfriend. That word felt bitter on the tongue. Or even the guy’s parents who were now in town might make easier marks. There were so many avenues; so many options. For a person with a world of patience, the proper path forward would show itself, eventually, and then they’d all be sorry. Turning on a heel, the stairs beckoned because it looked like Mrs. Eggers could easily be followed. Had an opportunity just presented itself?

Upon reaching the foyer, disappointment hit again. The lucky woman picked up another champion in the form of one more of the fucking SWAT team, who then accompanied her to her car and joined her inside.

Well, shit.It looked like waylaying the bitch wouldn’t happen today.

* * *

The afternoon sped by,with Kyle joining the three Eggers for lunch and regaling them with hilarious stories of the Sothard brothers growing up. Fleet hadn’t known there were eight of them, ranging in ages from forty-six to twenty-two. He’d met a few of them at Mason and Everlee’s wedding, but he hadn’t known the extent of the family.

Being an only child, Fleet’s mouth hung open while listening to the outrageous tales Kyle told, but he wasn’t jealous. Until things had derailed in his senior year, his parents had made sure he was lovingly surrounded by extended family and friends, and his upbringing had been nothing but happy.

And speaking of happy… Fleet, with a full belly, thought to close his eyes for a quick nap, but…

When he awoke it was dark, and Talia was in a chair next to his bed.