Page 47 of Talia

“Hello, beautiful,” he said sleepily.

“Ooh. I like this half-unaware, Fleet,” she teased. “Are you always this nice before your brain starts dictating directives?”

Fleet snorted, feeling much better,andmuch more settled after the conversations earlier with Kyle and his parents. And speaking of parents… He looked around. “Did my mother and father leave?” he asked.

“They wanted to get settled in at your apartment, so when I called and told them I was on my way, they took that as their cue to leave. I’ll meet them sooner, rather than later, but I think they wanted me to feel free to kiss you without an audience.”

Fleet raised a brow, challengingly.

“Oh. Right.” Talia pranced over. “I knew I forgot something.” She stood and slid her hip onto the mattress until it butted up against his, cradling his face gently in her palms before leaning forward to press her lips to his.

Fleet relished the delicious contact, but groaned as she pulled away far too soon.

“Uh, uh,” she chastised, sitting up straight. “Nothing too exciting for you right now. But when you’re cleared for action, Fleet, watch out,” she warned with a spark in her eye.

Yup.There was his bossy girl. She wasn’t taking no for an answer, and now that he’d gotten some sage advice from his parents and had a chance to sleep on it, he and Talia were on the same page.

He crooked a finger to bring her head closer, daring to deliver back better than she’d given. “Oh yeah?” he growled. “How about I can’t wait to be buried deep inside you, Talia,” he whispered. “We’re going to be epic together.”

He heard her suck in breath as her eyes glazed over and the pulse on the side of her neck beat double-time.

Hah. He’d done that.

Her haze didn’t last long as she snickered and punched him playfully on his arm.

“Where’s my Fleet, and what have you done with him? Do I need to call SWAT again?”

“Only if you want an audience.” He raised a hand and threaded his fingers through her thick tangle of blonde hair, dragging her close for another kiss.

This time he didn’t settle for quick, or light. He melded their lips together in a possessive clash, demanding her tongue come out to play, and he wasn’t disappointed. Talia gave him her all, and he swallowed her down, breathing in the fresh-air scent that clung to her skin, purging the hospital smell from his nose, and becoming…lost.

“Damn,” Talia swore when they eventually separated. “What did they give you for meds today?”

Fleet chuckled. He’d never met a woman more open, more willing to poke any hornet’s nest, regardless of consequences. “No meds,” he told her. “But I’ve been taken to task by both my parents, and Kyle. They basically told me not to be a paranoid dick; that you can take care of yourself since you’re well trained, and that they’ll all disown me if I send you away for your own good.”

Talia laughed. “That’s very smart of them…and you. But FYI, I’d already told them if you attempt to send me away, I’d tie you up and stash you in my house until you smartened up.”

“Mmm,” he murmured as his lips trailed down her neck. “Now there’s a kidnapping I could get behind.”

“Ooh! And speaking of kidnapping,” she said, sitting up again with excitement tinged with a deep sigh of regret. “I hate to be a downer at our kissing-party, but we’ve made some progress on your case.”

“You have?” Fleet’s disappointment at having her lips so far away was mitigated. “I’m all ears, Sherlock.”

“Sherlock?” she repeated with a snort.

Fleet shrugged impishly. “I figure if we’re going to be an item, you need a nickname. So, I was just trying that one out.”

“Nix on the Sherlock,” she grimaced. “Not sexy at all.”

“Oh. You want something sexy?” he teased. “How about…Tiacapan?”

She giggled. “Not a clue who that is,” she admitted.

Fleet captured the back of her head in his palm once more and pulled her forward, giving a low growl. “Tiacapan is the Aztec goddess of lust. I can shorten it to Tia.”

Talia purred. “Now that I can live with.”