Page 43 of Taz

“I want to pluck out his eyebrows, one by one until he tells me what’s going on between him and the rest of the Golden Frogs.”

“I know, sweetheart.” My voice trembled. “But the element of surprise is all we have right now.”

Taz lifted her head to meet my gaze. “You’re saying we go through with going to the club as we planned?”

I kissed her forehead. “Yes.”

“I don’t feel like going to a club.” Taz protested.

“I know that too.” I smoothed her hair from her face. “But that was the plan. So, go upstairs and put on something sexy.”


Her cheeks grew red.

“What’s the matter?”

“I don’t own anything sexy.” Taz leaned away from me. “I have to go shopping. You have to come with me.”

“Why do I have to go with you?” I frowned. “You know what you like.”

“But I don’t know what’s sexy. I’m going to need your opinion.”

It was my turn to blush.

But after we hid all we’d found and ensured we didn’t have a random piece of paper under the table or something, I instructed Beam on how to deal with Darby when he arrived, ensured he had a weapon and enough cartridges then left.

Taz drove us to a nearby mall, and we asked a few young girls where we could find stores that sold clothing for clubbing.

Other than a few of them hitting on me and Taz eyeing them like a lioness about to pounce, we found a couple of places. The one she choose looked as though red activated itself and threw up in the place.

Still, I sat in one of the change areas and waited for her to carry an armload of clothing into the changeroom.

I texted back and forth with Kaos, wondering how he handled going shopping with Zoom. The ex-soldier joked that he managed it because he knew she’d give him booty later.

At first, I wasn’t sure what booty meant. I thought it had something to do with pirates and I was curious as to where they found one of those.

Kaos sent me an eggplant emoji then a wink.

I blushed.

“How about this?”

Taz’s voice caught me off-guard.

I juggled my phone, managed to catch it and set it on the chair beside me.


Good lord. Was a dress supposed to hug curves like that?

If she wore that to a club other men would definitely see how sexy she was. They’d look at her in ways only I should be looking at her, wanting to touch her in ways only I should touch her.

But I gathered myself, even offering her a smile.

“Damn.” I told her.

“You think?” She twisted one way to look at her body in the full-length mirror on the other side. “You don’t think this is too much? I mean—my butt doesn’t look right in it.”