Page 42 of Taz

“Why would he go there?” I mumbled.

“Who knows?” Tex sighed. “And its not like you can ask him without tipping your hat.”

Grunting, I rubbed my eyes. “Send us a text when he’s on his way back to the house?”

“You got it.” Tex responded. “And Storm?”


“Stay close to Taz for me.” Tex lowered his voice. “I have a feeling Darby fucked around and Taz will make him find out—get my drift?”

“Got it.”

With Tex gone, I glanced over at Taz.

She seemed enthralled with the information she was going through. Beam was sipping from his drink, watching her with questions written all over his face.

Though I moved closer to her, I waited impatiently while she went through the pictures Tex had sent. They were taken through cameras around Darby that Tex had hacked while using one of Tex’s trackers to follow him.

When she sighed and dropped them on the coffee table, I knew the answer to the unasked questions, raging around in my head.

“Who are they?” I asked.

Taz sniffled and reached for one picture.

“This is Bull.” She cleared her throat. “He is the sniper of our The Frogs.”

She dropped the picture to the side and reached for another.


Another picture.


By now she was sobbing, her hands shaking as she spoke faster and faster.

“Enough,” I said.


I took the picture from her hand and pushed her away from the table. Her chair grated across the wooden floor as the sounds of her cries echoed through the room.

Pulling her into my chest, I wrapped one arms around her, and rested the palm of the other against the back of her head.

I realized what was happening—it seemed her entire team was in on some kind of secret they’d left her out of. Not only that, I suspected the bad thing that happened to her while she was a part of that team had something to do with these specific members.

Then to find out the man she thought had her back was in cahoots with them—I’d never seen Taz cry.

I’d never seen her broken—and this was breaking her.

Beam brought Taz’s drink over and I was able to convince her to drink some. I knew she only took a sip for my benefit, not because she particularly wanted to.

“Now,” I said once she’d stopped crying. “When Darby walks back in here, I know it’s going to be hard to act as if nothing is happening. But you’re going to have to.”

“I don’t want to be nice to him.” Taz told me.

She rested her forehead to my pulse, and I rubbed my palms up and down her arms.