“Wine?” Sean asked.

Another nod. “Yeah. That’d be great.”

Sean hurried over to the bar, pouring her a glass of wine as I went to join them in the sitting area. Sean was there seconds later, Gen taking the glass from his hands and bringing it to her mouth for a long sip. Before any of us could say a word, she spoke.

“I have something kind of difficult to talk about with you guys.” Her voice hitched as she spoke, as if she might cry at any moment. The guys and I shared a look, all of us noticing what was going on.

Sean, emotionally-in-tune guy that he was, reached over and placed his hand on hers.

“Don’t worry about it, whatever it is. Just take a deep breath and find the words.”

She forced a small smile before taking another sip.

“It’s… I don’t know if I can work here any longer.”

Chapter 14


I’d felt so damn cool and confident when I’d returned to the house. I felt totally ready to march into that office and tell the guys what was what, to lay the terms out in clear-as-day detail and let them know the score.

The moment I’d put Bobby to bed, however, watching his adorable little face as he slept, knowing that there was a chance that by morning I’d never see him again… I knew it was going to be a hell of a lot harder than I’d thought.

The feeling was compounded when I’d actually arrived in the office, seeing the three of them all there waiting for me. It was too much. Thankfully, they were ready to be accommodating.

I sipped my wine, staring down into the dark, red pool in my glass. Part of me wanted to throw it back like a shot, hoping that by the time it kicked in my confidence would return. Another part of me knew I needed to be clear-headed as I could be.

I looked up from my wine, seeing the three brothers sitting around me, all wearing the same expression of concern. I appreciated how they were all patiently waiting for me to speak. All the same, I couldn’t take feeling surrounded like that. I rose from my seat, glass of wine in hand, and stepped over to the desk.

The view was insane. Down below I could see the enormous stretch of the property, the beach beyond and Louveciennes to the east. The sun had nearly entirely set in the west, the sky looking as if it were on fire.

I sipped, facing away from the guys as I struggled to compose myself. I couldn’t calm my thoughts, couldn’t think rationally. All I wanted was to kiss all three, to let them do whatever they wanted with me. Strangely, that realization made it all the clearer what I needed to say.

Taking a breath, I turned around to face them. They were still seated, still with the same expressions of calm empathy. It felt as if there were nothing I could say to make them angry.

“Why?” Sam asked finally. “What’s wrong?”

Sean rose from his seat, likely to come over to comfort me. Before he could do more than lean his body forward to take a step, I raised my palm to stop him. The truth of the matter was that I wanted him to be near me—I wanted all three of them to be near me. But I also knew that their nearness would make it a hell of a lot harder to say what needed to be said.

Sean nodded in understanding, slowly sitting back down.

“It’s OK,” he said. “Whatever it is.”

“Right. No hard feelings about anything,” Seth added.

I took one more deep breath, knowing there was nothing to do but get right to the heart of the matter.

“The truth is that I have a crazy, burning, overwhelming desire for all of you.”

There it was. The words tumbled out of my mouth, and they were out in the open, no way to take them back.

“And being around you guys is hard. Not hard because I feel awkward or uncomfortable or anything like that, but hard because I want all of you. I know it sounds strange, insane, in fact, but that’s how I feel. I don’t know for how much longer I can control myself. And on top of that, I don’t want to be the type of person to pit brother against brother. That’s not who I am.”

I took another breath and continued.

“I know that there’s no way to resolve this situation. I mean, what the hell would we even do? Would you guys share me or something? I came here to talk to you guys knowing there was nothing to be done other than me leaving. And I’m pretty sure that’s what you three wanted to talk about with me, right?”

One more sigh. “But the fact of the matter is that even though I’ve only been here for a little while, I love it here. You three are amazing, and I already feel so attached to Bobby. Just the thought of leaving him behind and never seeing him again…” Tears formed in my eyes. I quickly wiped them away. “But what I want doesn’t matter, whatdoesmatter is what’s best for him. And I’m sure you guys don’t want your kid around some weirdo lady who’s fantasizing about his dads.”