If it went well, the guys would laugh, shaking their heads at their silly little nanny who’d developed a crush on three older men. I’d laugh too and with any luck, we’d be able to put it all behind us and focus on the summer ahead.

Bobby finished up at the playground, barely having the energy to make it back over to the stroller. Once he was strapped in, I started us back to the estate, determination on my face at the certainty of what needed to be done.

Chapter 13


The conversation wasn’t going to be easy. In fact, I wasn’t looking forward to it at all. I’d cracked open a bottle of wine so we could have another drink while we waited for Gen to come home.

At least the view was killer. The elevation of the third floor of the estate, along with the huge windows of my office, afforded an incredible display of the sun setting over the western coast. Wild oranges and reds filled the sky, stars already twinkling above. The sight was stunning enough for me to temporarily forget that a difficult conversation was on the horizon.

The door to my office opened, and I turned to see it was Sean. Seth was already there, doing a bit of work on his laptop in the seating area, his wine close at hand.

“What’s up?” I asked. “Is she back?”

“Yeah, she’s back. Told her that we wanted to talk in the office.” He stepped over to the bottle of wine and scooped it up, heading over to the bar to pour himself a glass.

Seth sat back. “And?”

“She’s coming. Bobby was wiped, asleep on her shoulder. She said she’d put him down then come join us.”

Sean leaned against one of my bookshelves, glass of wine in hand. “Look, worst-case scenario is that we have to let her go. The idea of letting her go doesn’t make me happy, but if it needs to be done, then it needs to be done.”

“Wrong,” I said. “Worst-case scenario is that we have to let her go, then she tells my daughter what happened.”

Sean pursed his lips, realizing that he’d forgotten that small detail.

“Look, it doesn’t matter, not right now, at least. Whatever good or bad thing comes out of all this, we handle it when it happens, and not a second before. No sense in getting worried about worst-case scenarios that haven’t even come to pass.”

The guys nodded in agreement and I found my mind drifting to the mental image of Gen with Bobby, of her carrying the sleeping boy into his bedroom. I imagined her gently setting him down, changing him slowly and quietly so as not to wake him. Then, when she was done, she would place him in his crib, tucking one of his stuffed animals by his side so he could wrap his arms around it as he slept.

“You OK over there, bro?” Sean’s voice brought me back to reality.

“Yeah. Fine. Just thinking about how hard it’d be to lose her as a nanny.”

Sean smirked. “Not following your own rules, huh?”

“No, I guess not.”

Before the conversation had a chance to go on further, a soft knock sounded at the door.

“We ready?” I asked.


“Come in!”

Gen was dressed in a pair of black leggings and an off-white T-shirt. While the leggings hugged her curves in a way that was extremely appealing, thankfully her outfit covered up more than that orange bikini she had on earlier. Her face was flushed from the sun, and she seemed a bit unsure of herself as she stepped into the office.

“Hey,” I said. “Good to see you.”

She shut the door slowly and softly, turning back to us with a worried expression on her face.

“You guys wanted to talk to me?”

Seth rose, making his way over to her. “Yeah, we did. Want to sit down?”

She nodded without saying a word. Seth put his hand on her upper back, guiding her over to the sitting area. There was more than enough space there for all of us without feeling crowded.