A soft chime sounded through the room, blue lights dimming and glowing like a pulse as I opened my eyes. I sat up, looking around to see that I was still in my bedroom, the alarm going off, the sea air still gently blowing in through the slightly opened window.

A dream. It’d been a freakingdream.

All the same, I was turned on like mad. My mind kept flashing back to images from the dream, Sean putting his hands all over me, splitting me in half with his big, thick cock as his brothers watched, eager for their chance to do the same thing.

It was so bad, totally wrong. All the same, that only made it sexier.

A knock sounded at the bedroom door, the sound totally interrupting me as I was lost in my own head, giving me a jump. I gasped, placing my hand on my chest.


“Hey. It’s Seth.”

My face turned so hot that there was no doubt in my mind that I was red as could be. One of the men I’d just been fantasizing about was at the door, and I was still wet from how turned on I’d been from my fantasy. Part of me wanted to tell him I was busy. I mean, how the hell was I supposed to look him in the eye with what had been on my mind? If he knew that I’d been not only fantasizing about him, but himandhis brothers, he’d probably think I was a freak, one that he didn’t want anywhere near him or his family. Besides, Seth seemed like the slowest one to warm up to me.

“Just a sec!” I took a quick look in the large, rectangular mirror above the dresser, slipping my hair behind my ear. I hurried over to the door and pulled it open.

There he was, leaning against the wall looking relaxed and even a little blasé. To make matters worse, he was dressed in a sleeveless shirt and gym shorts, the powerful muscles of his arms on full display, along with his thick, tree-trunk-like thighs. His skin glistened with sweat from the workout he’d likely just finished.

“Hey.” He looked me over, and I could sense by the expression on his face that he’d sensed something was up.

God, can he tell how horny I am just by looking at me?

“Did I come at a bad time?”

I shook my head. “No, not at all. Just still kind of dazed from my nap. You know, jetlag and all that.”

He nodded slowly, not seeming to doubt my words at all. “Understandable. Anyway, I came up here to let you know that we’re about thirty minutes out from dinner. But if you need a little more time to rest, we can easily push it back. No rush at all.”

“No, thirty minutes should be fine. I need a few minutes to freshen up, is all. God, and I haven’t even taken a shower.”

“The bathtub in there’s huge if you want to soak.”

I smiled, the idea of a long, leisurely soak in the tub about the most heavenly thing I could imagine. Maybe that, a glass of wine, and a nice view of the sea.

“Looks like you’re into the idea.”

“Huh?” I realized that I’d gotten so carried away with my fantasizing that it was showing on my face. “Well, sure. But I like to take baths at the end of the day when I’m ready for bed. You know, when you can just hop naked right from the bath into a towel then under the sheets.”

My eyes flashed as soon as the words left my mouth.

I didnotjust put the idea of me naked into the head of my boss. Seriously, Gen?

Seth was totally unflappable. He chuckled, a small grin forming on his lips. “That’s one way to do it. Seriously though, there’s no rush if you want to relax a bit more.”

My face turned a deep red. As I stood there, I was the most confusing combination of aroused and embarrassed. “I just need to take a shower is all. Thirty minutes should be fine.”

Another good-natured chuckle. “Sure. You change your mind, go ahead and use the house computer. You know how it works, right?”

“Mathilde just showed me the basics.”

“Figures. Mathilde’s an old-fashioned kind of woman, not crazy about tech. Let me show you.” He gestured toward my room. “You mind if I come in?”

“Not at all.”

I moved to the side, Seth nodding to me as he stepped in. His scent was heavenly, just the right amount of sweat to put his delicious pheromones in the air. He stopped in the middle of the room and turned around.

“So, the house computer is linked to every room, and its voice activated. You can use the panel, but this is a hell of a lot easier. It uses cameras and facial recognition to recognize people, build a profile so it can track them.”