“Um, that sounds a little creepy.”

“Trust me, it makes sense in a house this size. And you don’t need to worry about the cameras—they’re not seen by anyone and the footage auto-deletes each week unless there’s something specific we need to see, like Sam trying to figure out where he misplaced his car keys for the hundredth time.” He grinned, and I did the same. “Anyway, watch this. Yo, house!” A soft blue light illuminated from the central ceiling light. “That means it’s active. You want to stop the command, just say, ‘house, cancel’.”

As soon as he said the words, the blue light turned off.


“Very cool.”

“Thanks. I designed it.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Impressive.”

“You know how they say that necessity is the mother of invention? Well, in this case, the necessity was trying to find my dumbass brothers in this huge house. Speaking of dumbasses…” He tilted his head up. “Yo, house.” The blue light returned. “Find my dumbass brother Sean and put him on speaker.”

The blue light blinked.

“Yeah?” Sean’s voice came through the speakers, crystal-clear as if he were there with us. “What’s up?”

“Hey, Sean,” Seth said. “You’re a dumbass.”

“Very funny. You know, I could’ve been in the middle of something important, bro.”

“Were you?”

“Actually, yes. I was trying to decide between steak and chicken for dinner. Gen, what’re you in the mood for?”

“Hm. Well, I eat a ton of chicken, so maybe steak? And medium-rare for mine?”

“A woman after my own heart. Now, to my dumbass brother, anything else I can do for you?”

“Not a thing.”

“Then bye. Dumbass.”

I laughed, the light turning from blue to white as the chat ended.

“There you have it. Want to give it a try?”

“Sure. Hey, house?” The blue light returned. “Where is… Bobby?”

“Bobby is in the nursery.” The voice was a calm, English-accented woman’s. “Would you like me to contact him for you?”

“No thank you,” I said. The light went back to white.

“Speaking of old Bobs,” he said. “I should probably check on the little dude. Take your time. And if you need anything, just let me or any of the guys know.”

“Sounds good. Thanks, Seth.”

He nodded, but strangely, he didn’t leave. Instead, he stood there for a moment, an odd expression on his face as if something else were on his mind. Then his eyes turned back to me, tension between us building by the second. My gaze flicked down to his broad shoulders, then his thick arms. Once more my pussy clenched, and I was getting wetter and wetter.

He shook his head, as if snapping out of a daze.

“Uh, anyway, I’ll leave you to it. See you at dinner.”

He turned and hurried out of the room, my eyes going right down to his ass in those black Nike shorts.

When he shut the door and I was alone once more, I let out a long sigh, plopping on the edge of the bed. There was no doubt in my mind that the tension that had been building between us was of a sexual nature.