He nodded without saying a word, instead rubbing his eyes in a totally adorable way. I opened my arms and he walked into them, and I scooped him off the ground. He wasted no time resting his little head on my shoulder. I could feel his body relaxing, preparing to rest, and my heart was melting. I was going to fall for the little guy very quickly, I could already tell.
“Come with me,” Mathilde replied. “His room is on the second floor.”
The guys came over, all of them doting a bit on Bobby before we headed upstairs to his room.
“Make yourself at home. Rest, take a dip in the pool, watch TV, whatever. We’re doing dinner at seven. If you’re up to it, we’d love to have you there. Again, welcome. Already got a damn good feeling about you, Gen.”
Seth merely nodded. He definitely seemed to be a bit more reserved about me than his brothers.
Might have to win that one over,I thought.
“Come along, girl,” Mathilde said, nodding up the stairs. “That boy isn’t going to get any lighter.”
Bobby was already dozing off, the little man barely able to keep his eyes open as he rested his head on my shoulder. Mathilde and I made our way up the stairs and, sure enough, Bobby seemed to grow heavier and heavier with each step.
“That one has always been big for his age,” she said, glancing over her shoulder at me. “Since I have known him, at least.”
“I’ll say.”
“You will get strong shoulders lugging him around, trust me.” To prove her point, she reached over with her right hand and slapped her left shoulder, a solid sound filling the air, as if she were smacking a big sack of flour. “He is growing up just fine, the only problem is that he needs to start talking. You ask me, too many men around. He needs a woman’s touch, a bit of tenderness, if he is going to open up,tu comprends?”
“Makes sense.”
Truth be told, I wasn’t sure if a feminine touch was what he needed to start talking, or if I’d be the one to provide it. Fact of the matter was that Mathilde didn’t seem like the type of woman who took kindly to being disagreed with.
We reached the second of the three floors of the home, the long, sleek hallway intersecting with three others, each turn leading to more rooms. I was beginning to see what Sean meant when he said the place was more than big enough for all of them. We passed a few other members of the staff, all of whom were busy cleaning or bringing whatever supplies they carried here and there.
“What do you think of the Bradshaw’s?” Mathilde asked.
“They seem very nice.”
She laughed. “Nice is what one says about people they do not know how else to describe. At any rate, the three of them are all good men. They can be tough and exacting in their own ways, but I am sure that you will find your way to navigate your relationship with the three of them.”
The strange way she emphasizednavigategave me pause. However, I didn’t have time to ask her what exactly she’d meant by that. She stopped in front of an open door and a quick glance inside revealed that the room was Bobby’s.
The room was adorable, big and spacious with long windows that looked out over the green landscape of the back stretch of the estate, a gorgeous, sculpted garden right in the center. The walls were painted a light blue with fire trucks, construction equipment and various other worker vehicles sketched into them.
“Press this button here.” Mathilde gestured to a small electronic panel next to the door. “Watch.”
She pressed one button and then another on the screen, the window dimming as if someone somewhere were filling it with ink, the room becoming as dark as a cave.
“I just changed him before you got here, so you need not worry about that. Go ahead and put him down.”
I nodded before gently slipping Bobby out of his shoes and bringing him over to his crib. As I moved, the back of my neck began to tingle in that unmistakable way that let me know Mathilde was watching me carefully, observing my technique.
“Alright, buddy. Nap time.” I gently laid him down, Bobby opening his arms in his sleepy state and grabbing a stuffed dinosaur nearby, hugging it closely. Luckily, I didn’t need to do much... once he was down, he was out. I pulled the blanket over him and watched for a few moments to make sure he didn’t rouse.
“That is good.” Mathilde placed her hand on my shoulder and nodded toward the door, the two of us leaving. Once we were out in the hallway and the door was shut, she began again. “There is a monitor, and I will make sure to have that linked to your phone. For now, let me take you to your room. Just this way.”
Mathilde turned on her heels and began down the hall. Despite her being shorter than me, along with several decades older, she moved with surprising speed. Even though I was no longer lugging around a forty-pound toddler, it was still a bit of a struggle to keep up.
“As you can see,” she said, gesturing to the halls around her, “Our team works diligently keeping this place as clean as can be. The Bradshaw’s prefer a neat and orderly environment, and we strive to keep it to their satisfaction.”
She was right. The place was spotless, as if no one even lived there.
“While your duties will be with Bobby, I will still expect you to strive to conduct yourself in an unobtrusive fashion. Do not leave messes when it can be helped and pick up after yourself. There is staff to clean the kitchen, but that does not mean you shouldn’t clean up after yourself should you decide to prepare your own food.”
“Sounds reasonable.”