Next came Amy’s dad. Sam Bradshaw was tall, an inch or so taller than his brothers. His build was long and lean, with the sort of toned physique that one might expect from a swimmer or biker. His hair was the same color as his brothers’, though threaded with silver. He wore a neatly trimmed beard that framed his strong jaw.
With his stylish, silver-rimmed glasses and neatly parted hair, he gave off a slightly nerdy vibe, but nerdy in the sexy, bookish sort of way. He was dressed in an off-white T-shirt with a little pocket on the chest, the sleeves clinging to his toned arms, grayish-blue linen pants, a pair of oak-colored driving loafers on his feet.
I’d always found Amy’s dad particularly attractive but seeing him in that atmosphere made him even more so.
Bobby was adorable. He was in Sam’s arms, clinging to his godfather like a monkey, his hair a brilliant, golden blonde and his eyes the bluest I’d ever seen. He regarded me with an uncertain expression, holding Sam close as he took in the sight of me. I’d only seen pictures of the little guy, but just one look at him in person was enough to make my heart melt.
“And there’s the woman we’ve all be waiting on.” Sam spoke with a warm, inviting smile on his face. He set Bobby down, the little guy continuing to watch me silently. “We’re so glad you could make it.” He extended his hand, and I shook it.
Seth stepped over. His movements were more deliberate, a heaviness to them that suggested he knew how to carry himself. He didn’t smile as he approached, and I couldn’t quite tell if he wore a seriousness that was based on skepticism, or one borne from apprehension.
“Seth Bradshaw. Nice to finally meet you.”
I took his hand, which had the same rough texture as Sean’s. “Same.”
Bobby had finally gathered up the nerve to move closer to me. He didn’t say anything, just continued looking up at me with those big, blue eyes. I squatted down, eager to get a closer look at that adorable little face of his.
“Hey, cutie pie!” I waved to him. “My name’s Genevieve. But you can just call me Gen.”
Bobby didn’t say anything, instead, he continued to stare.
“He’s not much of a talker.” Sam came over as he spoke, giving Bobby a friendly hair muss.
“Yeah,” Sean added. “He’s a man of few words.”
Seth crossed his arms and leaned against the wall behind him. “Milestones say that he should be hitting a few dozen words by now. So far, we’ve got nothing from him but baby babble, and that’s on a good day.”
Sam pursed his lips. “Now, we all know by now that milestones are just guidelines. Nothing to worry about if he’s not hitting one. He’s a big guy for his age, and he was moving around on his own two feet far sooner than Amy was.”
Sean nodded, flashing his trademark big, friendly grin. “Right! Every kid’s different.”
I could sense that it was a conversation that the guys had likely had a few times already, each of them sharing a look between one another that seemed to silently say that now wasn’t the time to have it again.
Sam cleared his throat. “Anyway, we don’t need to give you the full tour and everything just yet. You’ve just come in from a long flight, and you’re almost certainly jetlagged. How about you take a few hours to yourself, get unpacked or catch a little nap.”
“Sounds perfect.” I glanced down at Bobby, watching as he took in a big, full yawn. “Speaking of naps, I think this little guy might be ready for one.”
Sam checked his watch. “You’re right, it’s looking about that time. You’re more than welcome to put him down.”
Seth nodded. “Sounds like as good a time as any to introduce her to Mathilde. She can show her to the nursery, then to her room.”
“Mathilde?” I asked.
“Head of the staff,” Sean replied. “About the best head housekeeper anyone could hope for.”
A voice called from a room across the first floor tinged with a heavy, French accent. “My ears are burning!”
“And she always seems to know when she’s being talked about.” Sam grinned as he spoke.
Before any of us could say another word, a woman appeared in the entry hall. She was short and stout, her outfit comprised of black pants and a plain, powder-blue frock, a pair of comfortable sneakers on her feet. Her hair was silver, pulled back into a tight bun that contrasted with her soft jawline and fleshy, friendly face. Not a single hair was out of place, not a bit of dirt or grime on her clothes. She stood with her hands folded together, her posture one of confident competence.
“I see the newest member of the staff hasarrivé.” Her green eyes glanced up and down my body, Mathilde making no effort to hide the fact that she was giving me a stern once-over. “Welcome to the Bradshaw estate. My name is Mathilde Bonaventure.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” I replied.
She nodded to Bobby. “Let us put thepetit hommedown, and I will show you to your room.”
“Perfect.” Without wasting another moment, I squatted down to Bobby. “Ready to hit the sack, buddy?”