Page 78 of Hybrid Forgotten

“I don’t think your plan to keep slapping him is working,” Dante mutters.

“Well, it’s making me feel better,” I mutter back, before I curse under my breath, realizing why he passed out in the first place. “Fuck! He’s in shock. He’s not going to wake up until some of this is healed.”

“Right,” Dante agrees. “I forgot that was a thing.”

“Can you force him to shift?”

“Since it’s for his own good, yeah, I think I can.”

I step out of his way, and he casts the spell.

We’re so fucking close to knowing where Amanda is.

I want to find her and bring her home, and then I want to end this cretin before he can cause any more chaos. I knew I should have done more than punch him when I met him. He already hurt Amanda when he rejected her. I don’t like the thought that he’s hurt her more than that.

I watch as he shifts forms into his wolf while he’s unconscious.

His wolf isn’t very impressive. He’s not very big or imposing.

Dante lets out a sigh. “He needs to stay like that for a little bit before I can turn him back. The faster he heals, the faster he’ll wake. This is the best way to do it.”

The door creaks open and Jillian peers in with her hand raised as if she was about to knock.

“Uh, knock-knock,” she says, as she steps inside and glances at her brother’s shifted form.

She raises her eyebrows when she clocks the knife in my hand. “I thought I heard screaming.”

“You did,” Dante confirms. “He’s been stalking Amanda. He won’t tell us where she is.”

“Ah,” she says, leaning against the dresser. “I told my mom he might have kidnapped her. She’s afraid he might turn out like our father. I think that ship has sailed.”

“Didn’t your mom kill your dad?” Dante asks, surprising me.

“She did?” I ask.

“He was the worst. Turns out Jake might be just as bad.” She sighs. “I thought he was harmless. Kind of a coward, you know? If he’s hurt her …”

“If he’s hurt her, he’ll die twice as hard, and Dante will raise him from the dead so I can kill him all over again,” I tell her.

“Well, I’ll have to have my sister do the raising him from the dead part,” Dante murmurs. “She’s the necromancer in the family.”

“You can ask her to do it twice so I can have a turn,” Jillian says, giving us a wry smile. “I don’t know how many times I warned him to leave Amanda alone.”

“He’s been talking to you about her …” I start, getting pissed off all over again.

She laughs and shakes her head. “I meant before. He was always mooning after her, but he didn’t have the balls to accept her as a hybrid. I knew he’d end up hurting her, and she doesn’t deserve that. I warned him, over and over. He was too dumb to listen, clearly, or this would never have happened.”

“He is your brother, right?” Dante asks, raising an eyebrow.

I know he’s close to his sisters, those girls he grew up with that he isn’t actually related to.

“My twin brother,” Jillian corrects him. “That doesn’t mean I put up with shitty behaviour from him. I love him, but he’s an idiot, and if he’s an evil idiot I have no qualms with ending him.”

I’m starting to get a deeper appreciation for Amanda’s best friend.

I knew there had to be a reason my mate liked this person.

Jillian comes across as a little flaky and a lot opinionated.