Page 79 of Hybrid Forgotten

She also grates on my nerves because she’s part gator.

It seems like she’s also a loyal friend, and that’s something I can get behind.

“Has it been long enough yet?” I ask Dante.

He shrugs. “Leaving it a bit longer can’t hurt.”

I let out a weary sigh.

Chapter forty-six


WhenJillianrushesinsidewith Parker, I barely hold back on following them. Despite not being sure that her brother has anything to do with Amanda’s disappearance, I don’t like the idea of standing back while Parker and Dante check it out. It goes against my Alpha instincts to not rush after a potential lead while my mate is missing.

“Someone should be here,” Danny reminds me.

I nod slowly. “I know.”

I turn back to him, trying to remember what we were talking about before Jillian and Parker decided a message Jake sent his sister meant they should rush straight out to Fallen Pines.

“The witch in the woods,” he says.

“Right.” I remember now. I was wondering if that disappearance could be linked to Amanda’s.

“You said you found a bag in the woods,” he reminds me. “I should take a look at it.”

“Sure, come in.” I step into the hallway and hold the door open.

He steps inside and I lead him up the stairs to the apartment.

It feels kind of weird to bring another Alpha into my home, even if he is a friend.

My pack brothers are already gone, and Rachel’s talking with the other witch who makes up Amanda’s coven of three. The pale girl who always dresses in dark colors and looks like she could murder someone with a glance. The ladies quit talking when we step into the room, and the atmosphere is awkward.

I’m really not used to having anyone who isn’t pack in the apartment.

Amanda doesn’t invite her friends over very often.

“How’s the search going?” I ask.

“We haven’t found anything yet,” Rachel tells me, giving me a sympathetic smile. “But we’re working on it.”

“There’s always the Council of Witches,” Cheryl adds, though she doesn’t sound overly keen on the idea. She shrugs her pale shoulders.

“I think we should keep that as a last resort,” I admit.

If Parker and Dante are speaking to the guy who rejected Amanda right now, this whole situation could get messy, fast. I’d rather not have to explain to the supernatural cops why the first thing we did was torture and/or kill a shifter for information.

I know that’s what Parker went with them for. I’ve seen how he prefers to deal with threats.

“Well, there are plenty of spells we can try,” Rachel says, sounding bright.

“We won’t get in your way,” I assure them. “I just need to grab … There it is.”

I pick up the bag, and the book.

“Are those Amanda’s?” Cheryl asks.