Page 112 of Broken Omega

Thankfully, Brooke’s attention is still on the contents of my sandwich shop haul. Her gaze moves over the bags of chips and unopened salad containers to the half dozen assorted cans of soda.

Her eyes light up as she reaches for the can of Dr Pepper.

“Oh my God! This was my favorite soda in high school.” She pops it open quickly as she looks up at me. “Sorry if I sound too excited over this, but my dad point-blank refused to keep junk food in the house. They had this stuff in all the vending machines on campus though.”

Taking a sip, she makes another sexy noise of appreciation.

Her dad is such an asshole. The reminder dampens my lust a little bit.

My dick reverts back to half-hard and twitchy.

“Of course, those vending machines only took cash, which I wasn’t permitted to have, so I ended up bribing one of my classmates with a Tiffany bracelet she couldn’t afford, to get myself one can a couple of times a week for the whole of the senior semester,” Brooke goes on, finishing up her story. “She got a bargain, and I got to have a treat when I wanted it. It sounds insane now, but coming up with shit like that was the only way to get one over on my dad.”

“It doesn’t sound insane. It sounds like a creative way to get through a shitty situation.”

She sips at the soda. “It’s even better than I remember. I haven’t had one in so damn long.”

I think back to our dinner at Goldcrest. I have no idea what the couple of courses we were served actually were, but they definitely weren’t the kind of items you’d ever find in a fast-food joint.

“Yeah, I assume the academy doesn’t stock junk food.”

She laughs. “The kitchen is amazing, actually, and they do stock some junk alongside the healthy stuff. They can make whatever we want. I just didn’t ask for anything my father wouldn’t allow, because I know he gets printouts from the kitchen detailing what I’ve been ordering. It was one of the first things he made sure I was aware of when I was enrolled.”

That goddamned fucking asshole.

I keep my mouth shut to avoid letting her see how pissed off it’s making me to hear about her father’s control over her life, trapping her so damn tightly that she can’t make a move without thinking about him.

I think she sees something in my face, which makes me wish we hadn’t found the candles.

“My life was pretty fucked up, wasn’t it?” she asks, a wry smile on her lips.

I nod slowly. “It was, but that’s done now.”

She’s out from under her father’s control.

She won’t need to think about him anymore.

Her gaze heats up as she looks me, putting down the soda can.

“You know what? You’re right. That old life is done. I’m ready to get started on the new one.”


My perfume fills the air slowly as I think about asking the Alpha sitting across from me to put his mouth on my throat and mark me as his Omega. Who knew it would feel so easy to say yes to this instinct? All it took was meeting the right kind of Alpha. One who sees something more than a pretty woman who can take his knot. I guess we haven’t known each other long, but sometimes when you know, you just know.

I push my chair back. “It’s getting kind of late. Do you mind if I take one of the candles to go get ready for bed?”

He shakes his head. “I bought some supplies if you need them.”

He gets up and opens the bag.

I pick up one of the candles and take a look.

I’m impressed by what I see inside. “You thought of everything.”

“Well, probably noteverything…” He trails off, his gaze on my lips.

“I’m going to the bathroom to freshen up. Maybe you could check if the bed needs to be made up? I think Frost mentioned spare sheets, so it might be a naked mattress through there.”