It’s so cute how wide his pretty eyes get when he’s shocked.
I know his feelings for me echo mine for him pretty closely.
That’s the benefit of being an empath. I can feel what he’s feeling, and he’s having some very strong feelings about what the sleeping arrangements should be. I know if I reached between us, I’d feel exactly how much he wants to claim me as his mate and his Omega.
My thighs are already slick at the thought of seducing him.
I might have some experience, but this intense desire is new to me.
I’m not used to being around a man who makes me wet without doing anything.
“Sure,” Kellan says, taking in a breath that he lets out with a sigh.
He must be drowning in my perfume right now. I can’t even smell the candles anymore.
This is the strongest my cherry scent has ever been.
I’m not broken. I was never broken.
After so many years without that one tangible thing that makes Omegas so damn unique, I can hardly believe it was inside me all this time, just waiting for the right guy to come along.
Well, the right harem of guys. Kellan’s not the only one I’ve perfumed for.
He’s my true mate, but I have another two of those.
My thoughts slide to Frost and Donnie, and the idea of claiming all three of them makes my slick come in faster, deepening my scent and making Kellan’s hungry gaze become ravenous.
He moves quickly past me, as if he’s trying to avoid the urge to scoop me into his arms.
I can’t help smiling as he disappears into the bedroom. I might not have ended up with that football team plus cheerleaders like I joked with Zey that I would, but I think the hot, sweet boy-next-door who runs his own business, and a tag-team of life-saving EMTs, is a pretty amazing pack to end up with.
I have zero complaints so far.
After picking up the bag from the counter, I take it with me into the bathroom, along with the candle.
The bathroom door is partially open, and so is the bedroom door.
I’m tempted to check on Kellan, but I don’t intend to take too long in the bathroom, and I don’t want to surprise him before I’m all the way ready. Mostly, I don’t trust myself not to jump his bones the second he’s close enough to be jumped on.
So, I step into the bathroom and close the door. After setting the candle down on the countertop next to the sink, I pick through the bag and take out the toiletries I’m about to use. My preference is for coconut oil and cotton pads to remove my makeup, but I’ve been known to use wipes in a pinch. I clean off my makeup carefully, using up a few wipes to make sure my face is left as clean as possible.
The sight of my pale skin without a hint of color is unusual, but I’m probably going to have to get used to it. It’s better if I don’t look like the old me from now on. It’ll be harder for my father to find me if I change things up.
I brush my hair while I try to decide if coloring it would be a smart idea.
Red would draw too much attention, and anything darker would make me look like a vampire.
Maybe I’ll just stay indoors as much as possible for a while or get one of my guys to buy me a wig.
I take off my ruined dress and ball it up. Even if I was good with a needle and thread, keeping something so expensive would be too risky. It’s a perfect, little Omega outfit. I’ll have to get rid of it.
My panties are drenched, so I slip them off and wash them in the sink before hanging them over the towel rail to dry. They’re ugly skin-colored panties that I’ll be happy to be rid of, but right now they’re my only pair.
There’s a T-shirt in the bag that I’m guessing is for me. It’s green with black palm trees printed on the front, and it’s going to be a loose fit on me, but it would be a bit tight for Kellan.
The color makes me smile. It feels like fate that he got me something in my color.
Of course, it also reminds me that my mother’s emerald necklace has been left behind at the academy. I couldn’t have brought it. I couldn’t find a way to accessorize any of my academy dresses with it. They were all too grand for such a simple piece. It didn’t fit in with any of them, and my polished appearance was everything at the academy. Someone would have noticed if I started doing something differently.