I kept the phone pressed to my ear after the line went dead, my eyes closed against the soft breeze slapping my cheeks. Every breath I took was clouded with sadness, like a dense fog that refused to lift.

I took a sharp breath as hands wrapped around my waist. When I tore my eyes open and whirled around, I noticed it was the blonde guy from the club. He had a cocky smile on his face, and I fucking hated his touch.

“Take your hands off me.” I pushed his hand off my waist. “What do you think you’re doing?”

He drew closer. “Giving you the attention, you want.”

I took a step away from him. Men like him made clubbing a shit experience.

“You got the wrong message. I don’t want your attention. Never did.”

“You’re one of the shy ones,” he purred. “Aren’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll take it easy on you.”

He tried to take a step closer, but I pulled my hand out to stop him. “I’m not shy. I’m just not interested in you.”

His expression darkened. “You laid your eyes on me. Now, don’t tell me you’re not interested in me.”

My heartbeat raced and my stomach clenched.

I didn’t like this at all.

I tried to think of a way to appease him. Anything to calm him down without making him more upset than he already was, but I couldn’t think of what I should do. Nothing at all.

In one stride, he grabbed my arm and pulled me close, pressing his body against mine. “Don’t play hard to get, bitch. I’m asking nicely.”

Nicely? Asshole.

My palms became moist, and my breath hitched as the adrenaline rushed through my veins. I had to get out of this situation. Fast!

My lips itched to scream, my legs aching to run, but the terror coursing through my body didn’t let me. My limbs were frozen. “We shouldn’t be out here. Let’s meet up later. When we’re both ready to go home.”

He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer. I could smell the whiskey in his breath. ”I’m ready to go home now.”

“But I’m not,” I spat, digging my nails into the back of his hand, and attempting to free myself from his grasp. “I’m calling the cops if you don’t let me go.”

The look in his eyes intensified as he snarled. "I can fuck you right here." His fingers crawled up my thighs, sending a shiver of disgust down my spine. As I looked around, I realized the danger I was in. The alley was dark and deserted.

Rosanne… think. Quick!

“Okay, I’ll go with you.” The words left my mouth without a second thought. Psychopaths like him were obsessed with dominating the weak. If I played his game and freed myself from his grip, I could make a run.

“Let's go somewhere else. Somewhere more… private.”

“Somewhere private?” He burst into a thunder of laughter. “Bitch, you think I’m stupid?” Darkness clouded his face the moment he stopped laughing.

The next thing I knew, he forced himself against my body, pressing me hard against the wall. With one hand firmly on my throat and the other gripping my thigh, he began to draw his lips down my neck like poison. Sharp tendrils of panic gripped me as images of police officers finding my dead, raped body the next morning flooded my mind.

No. I can’t die now! God, please!

I raised both hands to his chest and tried to push his towering body off me, but he was too strong. With a quick turn of my head, I dug my teeth into his arm, which clutched my throat until I could taste his blood.

“Stupid bitch.” He raised his hand, but before he could bring it to my face, a deep baritone voice behind him made his hand pause in midair.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

He whirled his head to follow the voice and scoffed. “Who the fuck are you?”

The guy with the baritone voice was standing just a few feet away. In the dim lighting, I could only see his large, muscular frame and felt his eyes staring at me.