All rational thought up and left the building. “No idea. Let’s stop talking about him. Put the phone down and do that thing with your tongue some more.”
Fang did it again but whispered, “What if I put the phone down with it recording? Just in case you want to show Vaughn later? Seems mean that he started all this but doesn’t get the reward.”
I groaned when he sucked on my neck. “Vaughn doesn’t deserve to watch.”
Except just the thought of it had me squeezing my thighs together, trying to find a little relief.
Fang stood and set his phone down on the chest of drawers. “Last chance for me to hit record. ’Cause once I get over there and start acting out this list he gave me, I’m not stopping.”
I eyed him to see if he was serious.
It appeared he was.
Without waiting for me to say yes, because he probably already knew from the way I was panting like a slobbery dog, he hit the record button.
My breath quickened. He came to sit on the bed next to me again, but something was different this time. His gaze was hotter. Needier.
Or maybe that was just me.
Partially for Vaughn, for not actually leaving me as high and dry as I thought he had.
But a lot for Fang who had dropped whatever the hell he was doing, and ditched whoever he was with, in order to be with me for something as ridiculous as scratching a sexual urge.
I reached over and popped the button on his dirty black jeans and then drew the zipper down.
Fang watched me. “This wasn’t in Vaughn’s list of instructions.”
I leaned over and wrapped my hand around his cock, pulling it out. “No, but it’s in mine.” I stroked his length, watching it get harder and bigger and thicker with every touch.
Fang shifted on the bed, lifting his ass so I could drag his jeans down farther, and then leaning back on his hands. “I’m so sad for Vaughn, missing out.”
His snigger of amusement told me he wasn’t sad at all.
And his dick told me he was pretty damn excited.
I checked the phone, making sure it was still standing up and recording. Because fuck Vaughn. Let him see what he was missing.
Fang reached over and untucked my towel from beneath my arm.
I sucked in a breath while he slowly unraveled the damp fabric from around my body, letting it fall onto the bed beneath me.
I was on full display for the camera. There was no one standing behind it. No one ever had to see it if I didn’t want them to.
But I could feel Vaughn’s presence like he was standing right there, watching me with heated eyes.
“Spread your legs for him, Pix. Let him see what he’s missing.” Fang clearly felt Vaughn’s presence in the room as much as I did.
I spread my legs.
Fang’s hand found my clit instantly, starting up a slow rub that matched the pace I stroked him.
I leaned over, seeking his mouth, and he delivered, placing his lips down on mine while he played with my pussy.
“He got you all wet and needy. I could take you right now, Pix.”
He could have. I’d been aching for it since Vaughn had me playing with my nipples in the car.
It was one of his text messages. Suck her nipples.