I grinned. It didn’t even bother me. I might not have known that, but I knew other things. Like how he made me feel safe. Like how I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, he’d always have my back.
I didn’t need to know the name he used on his driver’s license in order to love him. “His first name is Milo though.”
She frowned. “I wouldn’t have picked him as a Milo in a million years. That’s such a…”
“Unintimidating name?”
“Yes! Exactly. And he is anything but.”
I shrugged. “One of the guys gave it to him, apparently. Colmillo means Fang in Spanish. It came from that, if you believe the legend.”
She smiled widely at me. “But you love him?”
I nodded without hesitation.
She squealed and clapped in excitement. “We can have a double wedding!”
I widened my eyes at her. “A what? Whoa. Hold your horses.” I scanned her fingers. “Are you planning on marrying one of those three men who follow you around like lovesick puppies?”
Bliss got a dreamy look in her eye. “Well, no. But War was down on his knees today—”
I sniggered. “Scythe is around. Of course he was.”
She slapped my arm. “Stop. You’re as bad as he is. War was kissing my belly, actually. It was so sweet. Kinda made me think about one of them actually proposing.”
“How would that even work?”
She shrugged. “Just a commitment ceremony, I guess. It’s not like the four of us can have something legal. If any of them actually ever ask me, I’ll let you know. Since it seems you might have the same problem someday.”
I shook my head quickly.
But Bliss was all over me. “They all kissed you.”
“They’re my friends.”
She scoffed. “They’re out trying to murder a man for you, Rebel. That is not friend-only behavior.”
“I’d kill a man for you.”
She smiled softly at me. “Yeah, but we’re soulmates. Kian kissed your forehead. That’s like, the universal symbol for ‘she’s mine.’ It’s distinctly un-friend-like.”
My forehead still burned from the brush of his lips. “That’s not true,” I protested weakly.
Bliss kept pushing. “Nash has been your friend for years. Has he ever kissed you on the forehead?”
She had a point. Forehead kisses did seem just a tad more intimate than the half-arm hugs Nash usually threw my way. If Nash kissed my forehead the way he kissed Bliss’s I would be entirely weirded out.
Bliss knew she had me. She side-eyed me. “What’s going on with Vaughn?”
I flopped back against the couch. “I don’t know. He’s so hot and cold. One minute he’s crawling into bed with me—”
She raised an eyebrow.
“Fang was on the other side.”
Bliss’s mouth dropped open. “Get me some popcorn and tell me more.”
“There’s not much more to tell, honestly. Nothing happened. We just talked.”