“But you wanted more? Even with Fang there?”
I picked at a stray thread from the couch. “Fang has been hanging out with War too much. He offered the same sort of deal you and War have.”
Bliss’s eyes couldn’t have been any bigger. “He offered to share you?”
I lifted a shoulder. “Sounds a bit gross when you put it like that.”
But Bliss was like an overexcited dog with a bone. “Word it however you want. But essentially, if you’d climbed on top of Vaughn when he’d been in your bed earlier and ridden his cock, Fang would have been cool with that?”
Heat blasted through me at the thought of slipping a leg over Vaughn’s muscled thighs and sinking down on him. “Yes.”
Bliss eyed me with the shrewd gaze only a best friend could have. “Oh my God! You wanted to!”
I frowned but found I couldn’t deny it. So instead, I brushed it off. Again. “Kian and I are just friends. And it’s just attraction with Vaughn. You’re in love with all three. I only love one. Totally different situation.”
“I loved War before I loved Nash or Vincent or Scythe. Feelings grow. They change. If you let them have the room to do so.”
The thought was vaguely terrifying. It was scary enough to love one man. But to feel like that about multiple felt like a recipe for disaster. “I just need to screw Vaughn and get it out of my system, I think.”
“So do it.”
The thought was tempting.
“Do Kian while you’re at it.” She wriggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Or do them at the same time.”
I laughed at her very out-of-character behavior. Normally it was me egging her on. “Who are you, and what have you done with my prudish best friend?”
Bliss shrugged. “You wore off on me.”
“In a good way?”
She leaned over and kissed my cheek. “In the best way.” She glanced around the room, her gaze coming to rest on a framed photo of my mom and Bart. Bliss stood and went to inspect it, her T-shirt clinging to her little baby bump.
She picked up the silver photo frame and smiled wistfully at it. “Your mom was really happy.”
Emotion clogged my throat, the same way it did every time I thought about her lately. The grief was too raw. Too new for me to be able to just skim past it. “I think she’d finally found a good one, you know? I hate that it was all cut too short.”
Bliss put the photo frame down, adjusting it so it was exactly where she’d found it. “Do they have any leads on her murder?”
“Besides me, you mean?”
Her face morphed into a grimace. “You haven’t been arrested yet, so that has to be good, right?”
“Can’t be a bad thing, I guess. But I don’t know that the cops are investigating any other options with too much vigor.”
She made a face. “That was my experience when Axel died too. They’re completely incompetent.”
“The woman next door thinks it was Kian.”
Bliss’s mouth dropped open. “That big teddy-bear-looking man? What on earth would make her suspect him?”
I shrugged. “I thought the same thing, but there is an unusual number of photos of Kian with Mom and Bart.”
“He lived here. They hung out. That’s not so unusual.”
I nodded, hoping that was all it was too. I’d barely had a minute to think about Sasha’s accusations before everything had happened with Caleb. “She said there was screaming in the nights before the wedding too. Not the good kind.”
“We should search his room,” Bliss said suddenly.