Page 115 of Rebel Obsession

“That would be a crime,” Vaughn said at almost exactly the same time.

I glanced at him. “She blew you and you didn’t tell me?”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh, now you want to be best friends who have sleepovers and braid each other’s hair and share all our secrets?”

I glared at him.

Rebel patted me on the chest. “Just take my word for it. But this isn’t the first threatening letter I’ve received. There was another one put through the door the other day.”

I glared at Vaughn. “Seriously? I thought you were watching out for her?”

“That’s rich coming from the man who hasn’t been home in days and is spending all his time fighting and fucking.”

“Fucking?” I choked out. “Who the hell have I been fucking?”

“Oh my God.” Rebel rolled her eyes. “Would you two go down to a private room and just screw each other? Your sexual tension is making me horny, and right now I don’t have time for that. I have to come up with some sort of plan for oh, I don’t know, staying alive when someone clearly wants me dead?”

Oh, yeah. That.

“This person is escalating. That’s two notes in just about as many days. With that on top of the threat you could be used as a pawn in whatever is going on with Fang and the club, we need to get you out of here for a little while.” Vaughn gritted his teeth. “I can’t believe I’m going to suggest this, but now might be the time to take that trip to see your dad’s family.”

Rebel nodded slowly. “I liked the sound of that. He was pretty eager for me to meet the other side of my family.” She sighed, the excitement in her eyes washing away. “It’s not that simple though, is it? We aren’t supposed to leave the state. And the funeral is at the end of next week.”

Vaughn raised an eyebrow. “Since when do you care about breaking rules? We’ll be back by then.”

“My dad is still in Saint View. He’s not even home,” Rebel argued.

Vaughn was insistent. “If he wants you to meet his family enough, he’ll make a quick trip back.”

My head was a muddled mess with too many thoughts running through it in a constant loop. “I agree with Vaughn. Screw the cops and their ‘suggestions.’ Let’s get the hell out of here for a little while.”

She looked at me in surprise. “You agree with him?”

I thought it through slowly. Getting her out of Saint View and Providence for a few days seemed smart. Whoever wanted her knew where we lived, and it was probably safe to assume they were aware of our cars and where she worked. If we stayed here, we were just sitting ducks. Some time on a farm in the middle of nowhere while we came up with a better plan seemed sensible. The fact it coincided with whatever was going on with Fang’s club was just the icing on the top. “I’ll take you. We’ll leave as soon as you finish your shift. Drive through the night. I don’t want you sleeping in that house tonight.”

“I’m coming too.” Vaughn stepped in, sandwiching Rebel between us, but his eyes were on me the entire time.

Fuck no. Not a chance. “I’m not sitting in a car with you for twelve hours, Vaughn.”

Vaughn took a deep breath and held it for a second before he answered, “I’m the only one who has a car roadworthy enough to actually make it that far. So, I guess you are.”

“Hey,” Rebel complained. “As much as I’m enjoying being the meat between the bread here, don’t insult my car.”

“Your car is a piece of shit,” Vaughn and I both said in unison.

Rebel’s lips turned up in a half-smile. “At least you agree on something. You’re also both rude.”

I ignored her insults. “I’m driving.”

Vaughn smirked at me. “Fine. I’ll sit in the back with my girl and keep her happy the entire way there. We have a thing for the back seats of cars.” He raised an eyebrow at me in challenge. “If you know what I mean.”

Smug prick.

I leaned in, so only he would hear me, my lips barely brushing his ear. “Did you forget who taught you all about fucking around in cars? I know exactly what you mean.”

Vaughn’s cheeks when pink.

Rebel cringed. “The entire way? It’s a long trip, Vaughn…that’s a lot of orgasms.”