“It’s just a one-off. I’ve been working a lot; lately, that’s all.”

“I’d like to believe that.”

“That is exactly what is wrong with me. You don’t need to be so concerned.”

I can see she’s not going to budge on this. She’s far too stubborn. Well, I can be persistent as well. I look at the folder that is on the floor. Somehow, whatever was in there hasn’t fallen out.

“Are you heading up to your apartment?”

“Yes. I’m locking up right now.”

“I’ll help you. And I’m not taking no for an answer,” I add sharply as Jade protests. “You just fainted. The last thing I want to do is let you walk up a steep flight of stairs on your own.”

Jade’s mouth opens and closes. Then she huffs and looks away.

“Okay, fine. If you can lock it up for me, that would be great. I’ll do the alarm.”


I pick up her keys from the floor and turn off the lights. Jade slowly gets to her feet and hovers by the alarm system until I join her. She sets the alarm, which bleeps in response, and we step out into the street so I can lock up.

“Come on, then.” Jade moves towards the door leading to her apartment, only to stumble and lean a hand on the wall. “Whoa.”

“Still a bit tender?”

“You could say that?”

I’m uncomfortable with her going to her apartment after a fall where she hit her head. Still, if I suggest going to the hospital, Jade will refuse. Tucking the folder under my arm, I move to her side and take her arm.

“Then let’s take it slow. Just lean on me.”

Jade doesn’t say anything as I take her keys from her and unlock the street door, but she’s leaning into me as I get us inside and shut the door, making sure that it’s secure from the inside. She manages to keep in step with me as I lead her up the stairs to her door and get her into the apartment. Jade only pulls away once we’re inside, and she sags onto the couch with a wince.

“God, I feel like everything is in pain.”

“How long have you been feeling unwell?”

“A while. I don’t know exactly when it started.” She grimaces and presses a hand to her stomach. “God, I feel like I’m going to be sick.”

“Do you need any help?”

“I’ll be right back.” She slowly pushes herself to stand. “Sorry, I…I’ll be…”

She doesn’t get any further before she goes to the bathroom. She shuts the door, and I try not to hear the retching sound inside the other room. Whatever Jade is suffering from is more than just a cold. Food poisoning, maybe? Or something else?

I make a mental note to urge Jade to make a doctor’s appointment. She needs to have a break at some point. While going to the doctor isn’t that great, I want her to be fit and healthy. I’m sure she wants to be as well.

I put the folder and her bag on the table and look around. What should I do? Maybe I should fix something to eat if Jade can get something down? Or a hot drink? Mom always did that with me, which worked perfectly when I was sick. Perhaps I can do the same with Jade.

Looking through the cupboards, I find a tin of tomato soup and a crusty bread roll. Now that’s simple enough for me to make. While I haven’t inherited the ability to be a whiz in the kitchen like Mom and Kenny, I can do the simplest meals. And that includes making soup.

I haven’t burned soup just yet.

It doesn’t take long to rustle it up, and by the time I’m pouring the soup into a bowl, Jade is coming out of the bathroom. She looks a little paler than before she went in. Her nose wrinkles as she sniffs the air, and then she sees what I’m doing.

“I wondered what the smell was. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me.”

“When did you last eat, Jade?”