The saleswoman's eyes followed my finger, landing on the diamond ring I had pointed out. The ring was small and dazzling with a round-cut diamond at its center, radiant and outstanding—surely impossible to miss. Cassie was peering at it too, and I could see the awe in her eyes as she pressed her face to the glass. The light danced within its facets, casting a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors that seemed to come alive.
The diamond was set in a platinum band, adorned with delicate, intricate engravings that added a touch of elegance and sophistication. The saleswoman took out the ring so that I could get a clearer view of it—it was perfect. I knew Harper would love it, maybe freak out about how expensive it is, but she would definitely love it, and she was worth every penny.
"What do you think, Cass?" I asked, turning to her. She was practically drooling over it, which was a good sign.
"I think it is…." she beamed, trying to find the word while grinning from ear to ear.
"Perfect?" I suggested, sharing her gladness.
She nodded. "Very pretty. Mommy will love it."
"That's the idea, sweetie," I said and turned to the attendant, taking out my card and handing it over to her. "I'll take it."
The saleswoman put the ring in a box before returning it to me. "She's one hell of a lucky woman. Good luck," she told me as she offered me the box.
"Thanks," I smiled, taking the box from her along with my card.
"I don't think you're going to need much luck." Cassie commented when we were heading out of the shop to the car.
"Still, everything has to be perfect," I insisted, moving to the driver's seat.
We climbed into the car, and I put on my seatbelt. "Are we going back to see Momma now?" she asked me, putting her seatbelt in place.
"Not yet. Don't you wanna help me with my proposal?" I questioned, turning to her.
"Proposal? Wait. You wanna propose tonight?" Her eyes widened in evident shock, and a smile tugged my lips.
"Uhm-uhm," I sounded.
"Ahhhh." she gasped.
"I know. Here, you might want to keep this for me," I handed over the box to her before starting the engine, and I caught Cassie sneak a peek inside the box slightly before slipping it into her bag.
In the evening, the entire thing was set, and I was feeling pretty nervous as I reached for my phone and called Harper. She answered on the first beep, and I pressed the phone to my ear.
"Hey," her voice chimed, sending chills down my spine. I was even more nervous.
We spoke for a few minutes, and I hung up. "Is she coming?" Cassie asked urgently the minute I dropped the phone on the table.
"Yeah. She will be here soon. I hope you still have the ring."
Cassie pulled the box from her pocket and opened it, revealing the pretty diamond. She's going to love it.
Chapter Thirty-Three
It had been the longest day of my life and the busiest. I spent the entire day editing the feature I had written, and it was so tough. I was tired and in dire need of rest, so badly that I could hardly concentrate anymore. Thankfully, I was done. I sent the document with a sigh and turned off the system before getting to my feet. I took two steps and crashed into my bed beside my working table.
The minute work was off my mind, Logan came to mind, almost like clockwork. I picked up my phone to call him, feeling a bit worried. It was evening now, and they hadn't returned from their drive. It was worrying. I was about to call him when my phone blared up, and Logan flashed on the screen. Right on time, I thought, swiping the receive icon and pressing the phone to my ear.
"Hey, I was just about to call you. What's up? Is everything okay? Are you guys okay? Are you back?" I gushed, almost in a rant, and I could imagine him smiling as he replied.
"Wow! That's a lot of questions. How are you? Are you done with work?' he asked.
"I'm okay. And yes, I just finished," I sighed in relief. "You didn't answer my questions. Is everything okay?"
"Everything is fine. What are you doing right now?"