Page 8 of Saving You

“Hey, are you okay, Mia?”

“Miles is talking to Gage about legendary Pokémon.”

“No shit?” Liz pressed her nose against the glass window on the door and I joined her. Gage had taken a paper napkin and folded it into a triangle, then he held his hands in front of him to form a goal post. Miles listened intently as Gage explained the game to him.

“Je-sus, if that isn’t a panty melter I don’t know what is,” Liz fanned her face and I felt tempted to do the same. Panty melter indeed.



“Ishould probably get him home.”

Mia smiled down at her son while she ran her fingers through his hair. It was a mother’s look, something I’d seen on the faces of Kane and Gray’s wives when they brought their kids around the office.

She must have been exhausted, it was nearly midnight and she’d just finished her closing duties. I’d hung out with Miles until he couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer, then I’d watched over him while he slept, stretched across two chairs that I’d pushed together. He was smart, he’d caught on fast to the game I’d taught him and I’d genuinely enjoyed hanging out with him. I didn’t have a lot of experience with kids but he seemed cool for a five-year-old.

“Don’t wake him, I’ll carry him out to the car for you.”

“Oh, um.” Mia shifted on her feet, clearly uncomfortable. “I don’t have one, we take the bus.” She didn’t? I thought the old Honda in the driveway belonged to her, it must be the neighbor’s. Mia was already home when I got to her house each night and I left before she woke up in the morning.

Her cheeks had turned the most gorgeous shade of pink. She was embarrassed and I hated that I caused it by not knowing something about her. The shade deepened when I didn’t say anything and I jumped to my feet, pushing the table forward several inches.

“Sorry,” it was my turn to be embarrassed. “Let me drive you both home.”

“That’s not necessary, we take the bus all the time.” She tried to wave me off but I stepped into her space, ignoring her declining my offer. I was so much taller than her, Mia had to crane her neck backwards to look up at me. My fingers twitched at my side with a sudden urge to caress her angelic face.

“I want to make sure you get home safe, Mia.”It’s my job, I added silently.


Giving her a smile, something I’d been doing a lot tonight, I bent down and scooped Miles’ small frame into my arms. He didn’t wake as I followed Mia to the back office where she grabbed her purse and a Spiderman backpack that must belong to Miles.

“Everything good, Mia?” Brooks entered the office and assessed the situation, his eyes narrowing on me when he saw Miles in my arms. I kept my grip steady so as not to wake him but I didn’t like Brooks’ question or the way that he was looking at Mia.

Did he want her? Mia was fucking gorgeous—any straight man would have to be a fool not to want her for himself. Brooks had always seemed to be professional around his staff, Mia included, but I wasn’t exactly rational where she was concerned.

“Yup,” Mia chirped, unaware of the tension in the room. “Gage is going to give us a ride home. See you tomorrow night,” she gave him a little wave and then came to my side. My chest filled with pride. “I’m all set,” she looked up and I stood a little taller from the trust she placed in me.

Brooks jerked his head in goodbye and I didn’t miss the look he gave me when Mia’s back was turned, it was the kind you’d get from a father or brother of the woman you were picking up for a date. He was a big guy and I didn’t doubt that he knew how to fight from his years on the rodeo circuit. Still, I was bigger and I’d done a lot worse than throw a few punches at some testosterone-filled cowboys. I had nothing against the guy as long as he wasn’t interested in Mia.

We exited the restaurant and I led her in the direction of my truck, sweeping the parking lot for any potential threats. After hours in a bar parking lot isn’t somewhere a small woman and a five-year-old should be walking alone. I shifted Miles onto my shoulder so that I could reach into my pocket for the keys. Mia opened the back door and I placed him inside gently, careful to avoid bumping his head on the frame.

I stepped back so that Mia could buckle him in and then I did something I never thought I’d ever get to do. I touched her. My hand made contact with her lower back and even with the fabric of her shirt between us, it felt amazing, felt right. Guiding her to the front seat, I opened the door for her and because I couldn’t help myself, I caught her right hand with my own, a spark igniting where we touched skin to skin.

She gasped and stared at where our palms touched. I froze, waiting to see if she’d rip her hand from mine in disgust. Her small fingers curled around my larger ones and she gave me a timid smile. Fuck, this was the best night of my life.

After helping her into the seat, I pulled the belt across her body, making sure it was firmly in place. I hated having to lean away from her warmth but I didn’t have any more excuses to stay close to her. Shutting the door softly so as not to wake Miles, I strode to my side and jumped in.

The drive to Mia’s home wasn’t long and neither of us commented on the fact that I knew the route even though I’d never been invited. When I parked my truck in front of her house, I walked around and opened the door, pleased that she’d waited for me to do so. She placed her hand in mine again and it felt just as good as the last time. Reluctantly letting her go, I reached inside for Miles and lifted him back into my arms while Mia hurried ahead and unlocked her front door.

She ushered me in and I walked straight to Miles’ room and lay him on his bed. He rolled to his side, reaching out for a stuffed dog that looked like it had seen a lot of love. Mia removed his shoes and I left the room while she finished tucking him in.

It felt weird, being here when she was awake. I knew the floor plan as well as my own home yet it was different with the lights on. There was a vase of fresh flowers sitting in the middle of the breakfast table, probably from her new job. They looked nice, like something Mia should always have in her home.

“I can’t believe he stayed asleep the whole drive, normally he talks my ear off when we ride the bus.”

I crossed my arms and then uncrossed them, shoved my hands in my pockets. I wasn’t sure what to do now. Miles was in his bed and Mia was safe inside her home, there was no reason for me to be here any longer. Still, I was reluctant to leave.