Page 9 of Saving You

“You shouldn’t be riding the bus this late at night, it’s dangerous,” I’d meant the words to sound concerned, instead I’d sounded like a judgmental prick. Mia clearly felt the same way when her stance turned defensive.

“I don’t think my mode of transportation is any of your business. Besides, we live in a small town and we’ve never had any problems before. Whatwouldbe dangerous is not being able to get to work, losing my job and ending up on the street with my son.”

Aw hell, I’d pissed her off. Any good will that I’d built up had disappeared with my dumbass comment. My experience in how to interact with a woman outside of the bedroom was limited. Obviously. The first time I was interested in someone as more than a one-night stand and I’d turned into a full-blown stalker.

“I get that, but it’s still not safe. I’m not judging,” I hurried on when she looked ready to scream at me. “I’ll give you a ride home after work from now on.”

Her mouth opened, then closed and opened again. “That’s ridiculous. You’re going to wait around every night until my shift ends?”

“If I’m not out of town on assignment, I’ll be there. And if I am, I’ll make other arrangements to make sure you get home safe.”

“Why would you do that?”

When I was sure she wouldn’t clock me, I stepped into her space. Giving in to temptation, I lifted my hand, rested it on the side of her face and gently swept my thumb across her cheek. “I think you already know the answer to that, Mia.”

Long lashes fluttered closed and I was overcome with the desperate urge to kiss her. Taking a deep breath, I let my hand drop and took two steps back. Kissing Mia would be pushing it too far. I shouldn’t have touched her; she was too tempting.

Mia opened her eyes and a look I couldn’t decipher flitted over her face. Was she disappointed? Relieved? I needed to leave before I did something stupid.

“I’ll be outside if you need me.” She nodded and I made my way to the front door. I looked at her over my shoulder. “Make sure you put the bar in the sliding door.” She nodded again but I waited until she walked over and did it.

“Good girl.” Shutting the door behind me, I waited to hear the locks clicking into place. Then, I left them safely inside and went to my post to keep watch.



Gage was a man of his word.

Each night, he came to the restaurant and stayed until the very end of my shift. I’d taken longer than usual tonight to perform my closing duties, his looming presence kept distracting me. It was Saturday night and Miles was at Liz’s parents’ house for a sleepover. I was nervous about being alone with Gage without my son as a buffer.

My eyes slid to the side as I tried to discreetly check him out. Gage was flipping chairs onto tabletops so the crew that came early in the morning could clean the floors. I mentally drooled over the muscles bunching under his t-shirt as he hefted each chair into his arms like they weighed nothing. Sakes alive, the man was fit as hell. He had those big muscles on top of his shoulders, and the tattoos that covered him did nothing to hide those sexy forearms from my greedy gaze.

Liz always talked about a six-pack or a tight ass in Wrangler jeans. Not me, though. Show me a rippling forearm or a big pair of hands and I was done for.

“That’s good for tonight, y’all head home. Thanks for the assist, Gage,” Brooks called out and I jerked myself out of my forearm fantasy and ran to the office to grab my purse, hiding my burning cheeks.

Gage was waiting patiently by the front door when I returned, arms crossed over his chest, completely at ease like it wasn’t almost the middle of the night.

“Ready?” My voice came out higher than usual, betraying my nerves. He lifted his chin and then one of those sexy large hands was on my lower back, guiding me outside. He’d done the same thing every night and I’d hated getting into his truck, breaking the contact. His touch felt wonderful and my traitorous body curved into him, wanting more.

I walked slower than normal, wanting the moment to last. When we reached his truck, he opened the door for me and held my hand to help me climb into the cab. Our palms connected and I shivered in delight.

The vehicle was high enough off the ground that once I was seated, we were at eye level. Gold eyes hypnotized me; in the moonlight, I’d swear it looked as if they were glowing. Was Gage a werewolf? My hand tightened around his and I waited for fur to sprout from those magnificent forearms.

“I’m gonna need both hands to drive you home, Mia.” His voice was tinged with humor and I ripped my hand from his. Though he ducked his head I saw the white of his teeth behind his smile. No fangs, just normal, square human teeth.

Okay, Mia, no more paranormal romance books for you. Gage was a flesh and blood male. A buff, sexy, tattooed god of a male. I curled my fingers around the hem of my denim shorts, appreciating his swaggering walk as he rounded the hood to his side.

Movement across the parking lot distracted me, Liz was standing next to her open car door, signing some very adult hand gestures and thrusting her hips in the air. It couldn’t be construed as anything but what it was. “Is she…” Gage’s voice startled me.

“Yes, just ignore her,” I cut him off, refusing to acknowledge my friend’s insanity. When she noticed Gage was watching her, too, she practically threw herself into her car and slammed the door, peeling out of the parking lot.

The car ride was quiet. Playing with a loose string on the denim, I tried to come up with a topic of conversation. I didn’t know the kinds of things Gage was into, other than watching me I supposed. And no way was I throwing out something stupid like, ‘Hey, have you checked out the latest binoculars model?’ Or, ‘So, how does one get into stalking?’

“Where’s Miles tonight?” Gage briefly looked my way before returning his gaze to the road. Miles, of course, that was a safe topic.

“He’s spending the night with Liz and her parents. She has kids close to his age and they spend a lot of time together.” I didn’t realize the implications of my words until they were out of my mouth. With Miles at a sleepover and Mrs. Gonzalez visiting her sister, I’d be all alone in the house.