Page 11 of Saving You

“It’s not enough anymore, angel, watching, waiting. Keeping you safe will always be my priority but I need something in return. Something that I know you want to give me.”

Her breasts heaved beneath me, the tips of them teasing my chest with each inhalation. I buried my face in her neck and breathed deep. Mia’s warm amber scent filled my lungs, a smell that had taunted me with its sensuality each time I’d been inside her home. I groaned, my tongue darting out of my mouth to taste it.

Mia’s inhale was sharp and her body bucked upward, her wrists straining against my hold. After licking a strip up her neck, I lifted my head, wanting to see her reaction. Mia’s eyes were hooded, cheeks flushed as soft breaths panted from her lips. My gaze focused on them, wanting to taste her there, too.

“Tell me I can have you, angel. Tell me that I can consume every inch of you until this aching void inside of me is filled.”

The hint of fear that flashed across her features was quick, I’d almost missed it before she hid it beneath her desire. I loosened my grip, prepared to battle my body and leave her alone.

“Yes,” she whispered, and my mouth descended on hers before she’d even finished the word. I was rough, demanding, reaching deep enough to feel her soul. Mia moaned beneath me and I swallowed that, too.

Gathering her wrists in one hand, my other was now free to roam. Using my thumb on her chin, I tilted her head so that I could slip my tongue deeper. Then my hand circled her throat. I didn’t squeeze, but I let her adjust to the weight of my palm. Her pulse sped beneath my fingertips. Those same fingers drifted down her neck and between her breasts where I fisted the see-through material.

“Did you know you were tempting a monster when you put this on?” I spoke against her lips, hating that I had to stop kissing her to say them and not waiting for an answer. “Don’t move,” I released her wrists, pleasure strumming through my veins when she did as I asked. I ripped her shirt down the middle, exposing her navy lace bra and causing her to cry out.

“Fuck, you drive me crazy, angel.” Squeezing her breasts in my hands, I buried my face between them, caressing each mound with my tongue. I nipped and sucked her skin until Mia was writhing beneath me, only then did I pull the fabric down to expose her nipples.

They were tight, a shade darker than her tan skin. Then, they puckered under my gaze, tormenting me, every part of my angel was made to torment me. I touched one with the tip of my finger, plucking and rolling the bud before sucking it deep into my mouth while my fingers toyed with the other.

“Gage, please!” Mia shouted, fisting her hands in my hair. Her hips rolled, she was riding the thick ridge of my dick, desperate. My brave girl needed to come. I’d been lost in my need to mark every inch of her skin, not noticing how my attention was affecting her. Mia was shaking, poised on the edge, there was nothing I wanted more than to push her over into oblivion. There’d be more time to explore her delicious body later, I’d make sure of it.

“I’ve got you, angel,” slipping my hand past the waistband of her leggings, my fingers met Mia’s soaked pussy. “No underwear? I think my angel has a little of the devil inside her. Is this what you want, Mia? To fuck my fingers until you come?”

She was wild, thrusting her hips upward and rubbing her little clit all over the palm of my hand. I was in awe, I’d never seen anything as beautiful as Mia taking her own pleasure. Pre-cum slid down my shaft, wetting the front of my pants. Her fingernails dug into my arms and she threw her head back on a cry, all that auburn hair flying behind her like a Valkyrie. She was sex personified, making sounds that men fought wars to hear panted in their ears.

When she came, I slid my fingers inside of her, keeping my thrusts shallow, making sure she never came down from her orgasm. Goddamn, there was no porn in the world that was as good as what was happening below me. With my other hand I unzipped my pants and pulled out my aching cock, groaning at the first stroke.

I wasn’t going to last long, my body just as on the edge as she’d been. Mia’s eyes cleared, her mouth opening in surprise when she noticed my fist wrapped tight around my dick. The head angry and red, veins pulsing against the sensitive skin of my shaft. She licked her lips as she watched me pleasuring myself, causing another groan to escape.

“Let me come on you, angel. I need to mark you. Make you smell like me so that every other man on this planet knows you’re mine.”

Fuck, I was lost in her. Saying things that never should have left my head. But Mia, my angel, she wasn’t offended by them. And when she pushed her tits together and held them up like an offering to Hades himself…I. Was. Done.

Grunting above her like an animal, ropes of cum shot from my cock, covering the smooth skin of her stomach, her breasts, until I was empty and shaking from the intensity of the climax. I felt deranged, crazed, a new level of my obsession unlocking in an instant. There was no way I could go back to the way things had been.

Poor Mia. She had no idea what she’d just done.



The morning was quiet. My mind fuzzy as to why until I remembered it was because Miles wasn’t home.

My next thought was how tender I was between my legs and what had caused that tenderness.Gage. His thick fingers had stretched me to the point of pain and I’d loved every second of it. When he’d straddled me, finding his own release, I hadn’t been able to tear my eyes away from the sight. He’d wrapped his massive hand around a dick that was comparable in size to the rest of him, making my pussy clench and wonder how it would ever fit inside me. Because that’s exactly where I wanted it.

Minutes or maybe hours later, Gage carried my limp body to the shower. The gentle way in which he’d cleaned me was a contradiction to his earlier behavior. I found I quite liked both sides of him.

Exhaustion had overcome me and I’d barely been able to stand when he was finished. He’d shut off the water, bundled me in a towel and carried me to my bed. The last thing I remember was passing out, surrounded by his warmth. Never in my life had I fallen asleep with a man lying next to me and that was something else I found myself liking.

Yet, I’d awoken alone, the pillow next to mine cold, only a slight indentation giving away that he had been there at all. I could tell he wasn’t in the bathroom or the kitchen. Gage was no longer in my house.

Rising from the bed, I didn’t bother covering my nakedness. Had Gage still been here, I would have felt shy about him seeing all my imperfections in the light of day. After taking care of necessary business, it was when I was washing my hands that I first noticed the marks of our night together.

They were hard to miss. My lips were swollen, sensitive to the touch from the consuming way that he’d kissed me. Red abrasions from his scruff were all over my torso, a hickey on my neck and two more on my breasts. There were bruises on my hips, small and circular, and when I placed my hands over them, I realized they must be from where he’d gripped me. Nothing hurt but I was glad they would all be easily covered by my clothes.

I started to reach for my robe then stopped. Placing my hands back on my hips, I spread my fingers wide, matching each darkened patch of skin with my own fingertips. A pulse shot straight to my core as I remembered the pleasure that those large hands had brought me. It felt good, seeing the evidence of our time together, otherwise I would have thought it had all been just another dream.

Eventually I pulled on my tattered robe, licked my tender lips and smiled. I’d never felt wanted the way that I had last night. Gage had looked magnificent, hovering over me, biceps straining, golden eyes glazed with lust and possession. He’d been right about me trying to tempt him. I hadn’t realized I’d done it at the time but I was already thinking of ways to do it all over again the next time we were alone.