“I see.” Had Gage come to the same realization? There was no denying I was attracted to him. The idea of spending time alone with Gage had always been a fantasy. I’d never thought I’d actually have the opportunity.
He pulled into the driveway and I waited while he turned off the engine, climbed out and walked around to open my door for me. His truck was lifted but exiting on my own wouldn’t have been impossible. Yet the possibility of having his hand on mine again kept my butt right where it was.
He didn’t disappoint and after helping me down, his hand rested firmly on my lower back, leading me to my front door. I stood at the top step, fiddling with my keys. There was no reason for him to come inside tonight, no innocent excuse like carrying my sleeping son. If he was going to come in, I’d have to invite him.
Gage was still next to me, looking down at his feet, his face devoid of any emotion that would give me a hint as to what he was thinking. Ugh, why was this so freaking hard?
“You should get to bed, you’ve had a long day.” It was an easy out. I could thank him for the ride, go inside and spend the rest of the night alone. He’d go to his usual spot and watch through the window, keeping the status quo. Or, I could break the rules I’d never agreed to in the first place.
“W-would you like to come in?” His head snapped upward. I’d surprised him, score one for Delgado.
“You want me to come inside?” His confusion was adorable, a word I never thought I’d associate with the big, badass security expert. Unlocking the door with more confidence than I felt, I stepped inside and switched the lights on.
“Yes, I’d like you to come inside.” My words were surer this time, leaving no room for misunderstanding. Stepping back, I held the door open while he contemplated his decision. He looked over his shoulder toward his usual hiding spot and then turned forward again. His throat bobbed with a swallow, then he slowly stepped over the threshold into my home.
I closed and locked the door behind him, dropping my purse onto the small bench next to it. “Make yourself comfortable, I’m going to go change into something that doesn’t smell like beer and fried food.”
It was funny, seeing this big man hovering in my living room, not knowing what to do with himself. My smile stayed in place as I rushed to my bedroom and closed the door. There was a clean pair of leggings and a soft t-shirt that I liked to sleep in sitting on top of the laundry basket and I grabbed them, wishing I had time for my usual shower. But Gage was in my house. I was alone in the middle of the night with him and the only emotion I felt was excitement.
Leaving my bedroom, I walked back down the hallway. Part of me expected to find him gone, taking refuge outside where he felt most comfortable. But no, Gage was right where I’d left him. He stood, hands fisted at his sides, gaze trained on where I emerged.
I stopped walking, those shrewd eyes of his not missing a thing. Now that I had him here, what did I do?
Fuck, could she be any more beautiful?
Mia had changed from her uniform into a pair of black leggings that molded like a second skin over her legs and ass. The t-shirt she wore may have been modest when it was first created but now it was so thin I could see the outline of her bra and the mounds hidden beneath. Her hair was like fire against the white fabric, draped over one shoulder.
She shifted on bare feet, becoming more self-conscious as I quietly took in her amazing body from head to toe. You’d think she’d be used to me watching her by now. “This is your home, Mia, you don’t need to be nervous, you’re safe with me. If you want me to leave, all you have to do is tell me.”
I’d never hurt her. Never. For as long as I could remember, there’d been two entities battling inside me. One was a protector, wanting nothing more than to make sure she was safe and happy. The other was darker, demanding, wanting her for himself and no one else. It was like a lion locked in a cage, throwing itself against the bars until I was exhausted from keeping it at bay.
“I don’t want you to leave,” she whispered, causing both parts to roar in triumph. “Do you want something to drink?” I shook my head, no amount of water could quench my thirst. My fucked-up brain thought a few hours of my tongue between her thighs could do the trick. I closed my eyes, trying to erase the vision of Mia laid bare on the floor while I devoured her pussy. When they opened, I turned my lower half away, trying to hide my massive erection.
“Can we sit?” My voice was gruff from my desire and I cleared my throat, taking the armchair when she sat on the edge of her couch. Leaning forward and placing my elbows on my knees, I winced when my hard cock became trapped but it was better than Mia throwing me out for being a pervert.
“I’m not sure this is a good idea,” the last bit of decency inside of me pushed the words out of my mouth, even as my insides shouted disagreement.
Warm, brown eyes met mine, “What? Why?” Couldn’t she see how wrong it was that I was here? She was perfect—beautiful, kind and tiny. I was a beast—gigantic, ugly and scarred both on the inside and out. Oh, and I was her stalker. You didn’t invite that kind of person into your home.
I turned my palms upward in supplication, “Mia, look at me.”
“I am.” The huskiness in her voice was shocking as she dragged her eyes over me much in the same way I’d done to her. It did nothing to ease the pain in my cock, if anything he took it as a compliment and jumped, attempting to get to her.
"You've been watching me." The statement wasn’t an accusation but a fact. I’d only been watching her for a week when I allowed her to see me outside for the first time, to know that I was the shadow in the dark keeping vigil.
“Do you want me to stop?” I wouldn’t. There was no way I could go back to my life before her, to go to sleep each night not knowing if she was safe.
“Why?” It didn’t escape my notice that she didn’t answer me. I’d thought of a million reasons why. Each one of them their own version of the truth.To make sure you’re safe, because I need to, because I want to, because you like it when I do…
“That’s a complicated question. Do you want me to stop?” I asked again, needing her to respond, longing for only one answer. It was too much to hope for.
“No,” she whispered as if I’d placed it on her tongue. Vaulting out of the chair, I wrapped her smaller body in my arms and took her down on the couch. Her hands rested on my heaving chest and I cuffed each of her wrists in my own, lifting them above her head and locking them in place.
“What are you doing?” She sounded breathy, excited with a tinge of nerves. My hands tightened on her wrists, if she thought I was going to release her, to succumb to shame, she was wrong. People who feel shame don't stand outside a woman's window every night hoping for one last look before she goes to sleep.