"You made me think that you were nearly fucking dead for months, Scarlett.” I can't soften the vitriol in my voice. “Nearly dead. I almost killed someone for you. I went to prison because I didn’t want to live without you. Do you have any idea how... How could you do this to me?"


“All I would want to hear is you explaining how the fuck could you do that to me?”

“It wasn't my original intention to lie to you.” She stutters. “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

I step back, still seething. "Every time I got a letter from Tully, I…Beautiful as hell or not, I can't even look at you right now. Fuck this.”

She triesto grab my arm as I walk away, but she’s not strong enough.

I return to my car and speed off into the distance.



“Is anyone home?” I bang on Mr. Rush’s front door an hour later. “Please answer me!”

I can’t get Easton’s face out of my mind. Despite the time that’s passed and the livid looks he gave me, he’s still sexy as hell. He was wearing a simple white T-shirt and jeans, and he easily put every guy who has ever approached me to shame.

I desperately wanted him to kiss me and take me, to tell me we could pick up where we left off despite my lies…

“Scarlett?” Easton’s dad appears seconds later. “Are you alright?”

“No.” I shake my head. “Can you give me Easton’s cell phone number? I need to talk to him.”

“He was supposed to buy a new phone today, but I haven’t heard from him yet,” he says. “Can I text you whenever he gives it to me?”

“Yes, please. The moment you have it.” I can’t bring myself to leave his doorway just yet. “Is he here? Are you keeping him in there and not telling me?”

“No, Scarlett.” He places his hands on my shoulders. “Calm down, calm down.”

I shake my head. “I can’t. He knows about the baby…I should’ve told him.”

“No,” he says. “You shouldn’t have.”

“With all due respect, if you’d seen the way he looked at me an hour ago, you’d think differently.”

“I doubt it…” He pauses. “The only reason he did so well in prison is because he didn’t think there was much on the outside for him. He loved you more than anything, even football, so knowing that he had a daughter would’ve made things worse for him emotionally. We both know that.”

I shake my head.

I’d believed that before, but now I’m not so sure.

“It’ll be alright.” He looks over at my car, where I’ve left the back door hanging wide open. “Bring my grandchild inside, so we can talk.”



There are no fucking words.

Actually, somehow, Scarlett wrote seven thousand of them.

The envelope they’re covered in is the first of all the letters that bear her actual name on the front. The seal features a smudged kiss from pink lipstick and pencil sketches of pink petals.

But the bold words on the flap are what initially caught my attention.