She shakes her head.
“How could you do that to me? Why would you not want me to know that you were recovering?”
“I…” She sighs. “I sent you a letter explaining everything. You were supposed to get it today.”
"Well I’m not in prison anymore, so feel free to explain it.”
“I can’t.”
“You can and you will. What exactly is in this fucking letter, Scarlett?”
“Including you admitting that you're a liar who just wants to play mind games with me?”
“Then tell me Scarlett. What's the fucking truth?”
“Please keep your voice down.” She pleads, looking over her shoulder.
“I don't care if anyone hears me.”
“Wait here.” She walks to the car and opens the back door.
When she stands back, she's holding a sleeping baby girl in her arms.
As she comes closer, I can’t help but notice how pretty her daughter is. How she looks exactly like Scarlett and Tully, except for her eyes.
Her eyes are…Mine…
The muscles in my stomach twist and Scarlet carries the little girl inside, and my mind is running through a list of timing equations.
Scarlett returns to me moments later, her eyes redder than before.
“We were talking about the letter I sent you,” she says. “If I’d known—”
“How old is your daughter?”
“Is she mine?”
“Yes.” Her voice cracks.“She’s yours…Ours.”
My heart was broken before, but now I think it’s imploding.
“You didn’t think enough of me to include a mention of adaughterin any of your fake Tully letters?”
“I had a good reason for leaving it out.”
“That’s fucking unforgivable.”
"Easton, listen to me.”