When I arrived on campus this morning, a few people called me “Tully,” and it took me a minute to realize that they weren't joking.
That's the real reason I didn't call you the second I came into town.
Not sure I'll ever send this.
Only needed to vent.
Dear Easton,
I woke up early this morning, and I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got dressed and meandered around campus.
Somehow, I made it into the practice facility and spotted you working out in the gym.
I must've stared at you for an hour, trying to will my feet to move toward you, but I couldn't.
For one, too many of your teammates were around. For two, after spending the night before with you, I didn't think you'd ever let me go so ...
Anyway, I don’t feel nervous about telling Tully the truth anymore. I'm not sure how I'll feel regardingotherpeople knowing, but if you promise that you won't care, I'll try my best not to either.
PS:I have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach about spending time with her this coming Saturday. It's hard to explain, but I wonder if I should cancel or ask her to meet another day.
Please tell me this is all in my head.
Dear Easton,
Scarlett regained consciousness today.
Her eyes fluttered open, then she looked at me for a very long time.
I didn't call the nurses in case I was imagining things. Instead, I asked her to blink three times if she knew who I was.
She didn’t blink, though.
She said, “I know exactly who you are.”
I asked if she remembered you and she said, “My boyfriend.”
PS:I’ll write back to you as long as you keep writing back to me. Let’s talk about lighter things, okay? I’ll give you updates each time, but…I could really use a friend, too…
A Year & a Half Later
Every day in prison is a routine, but no day feels the same.
Since the amount of letters I receive at mail call is impossible to keep up with, I give most of them to my cellmate and he writes back as if he's me with glee.
“Hey,” he says, flipping through today's envelopes. “Didn't you say only ones from Tully are off limits?”
“Yeah.” I jump down from the bunk and grab the letter from his hands.