I fell in love with Scarlett without realizing it, and I should have told you that, but we were already trapped in a web of sponsorships & obligations.
I didn't believe you would understand, and Scarlett didn't either.
If I could go back and do things differently, I would.
If you can’t be civil with me, that's fine.
Just send me updates on Scarlett.
Dear Tully,
It's been a month since I sent you my last letter. Please give me an update on Scarlett.
Dear Easton,
One of her kidneys failed, and she slipped into a coma...
I found a few letters Scarlett wrote to you but never sent. Do you want those? I'll send you other updates as I'm able to.
PS: Did you ever have feelings for me? Any at all?
PPS: I didn't mean what I said about blood on your hands in my last letter, but I’m feeling a deep sense of guilt and regret that our last conversation was about a guy.
Dear Tully,
Yes, please send me the letters that Scarlett wrote for me.
Is she alert and out of the coma yet? How is she?
PS: I liked you, Tully, but our relationship was just a business to me. I’ll always be in love with Scarlett.
Dear Easton,
Thank you for being honest.
Scarlett’s letters are enclosed.
Dear Easton,
If you're reading this letter, it means that I sent it on a terrible day without thinking. That said, I'm not sure if you and I should pursue being together so soon ...