Page 72 of Cruel Paradise

“Especiallythe broccoli.”

She looks severely disappointed in me. “Aw, man.”

I muss up her downy golden mop and she giggles. Caroline glances shyly at me, so I offer her a low-five. She gives my palm a hearty whack and then scampers off to hide behind Emma.

One look at Emma’s face and I know I need to get the fuck out of this house. She’s staring at me with this look in her eye—all soft and tender and sentimental.

Hell no. She’s got it all wrong. I’m notthisguy. I’m not a family man. I don’t like to spend my evenings with a bunch of screaming kids.

And yet… that’s exactly what I’ve done for the last half hour, and honestly? It wasn’t all that bad. In fact, a part of me actuallyenjoyedit.

No. That’s not the right word. It can’t be the right fucking word.

Abort. Get the fuck out! Now!


Emma gives the girls a little shove into the kitchen. “You guys get started. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Caroline’s pout is strong. “But Auntie Em, why doyouget to stay with him and we don’t?”

Josh shushes his sister and shepherds them out of the living room.

Emma chuckles self-consciously as she walks over to me, an attractive blush turning her cheeks pink. “Sorry about all that.”

I nod stiffly. “All good.”

“You were really great with all of them.” Her voice wobbles with all the things she’s not saying. “Thank you for being so patient with the girls. And for what you said to Josh.”

I nod again. This time, more from discomfort than anything else.

She clears her throat. “So what happened with Remmy?”

“He won’t be bothering you or the kids again.”

“Okay—but what about you?”

That takes me aback. “Me?”

“He was looking for dirt on you. He mentioned that he knew a lot already.” She glances back over her shoulder before moving even closer to me. Close enough that I can smell her perfume.

Citrus, honey, anddanger.

“I just…” She gnaws at her lip. “I know there are things that you might not want getting out there. I’m worried that Remmy might make good on his threats. He just seemed really determined.”

She’s genuinely worried about me. After basically being my errand girl the last year and a half. It’s enough to boggle my mind…

And arouse the rest of me.

I take a step back. “Don’t worry about me. You have your own shit to deal with.” She flushes, but she doesn’t look angry. “In fact, I’m canceling our meeting tonight.”

“What? Why?”

The disappointment in her face reinforces my need to put some distance between us. Especially tonight. Today has been a little too involved.

“Missed a lot today. I need to catch up.”

“Right.” She forces a stiff smile onto her face. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”