Page 73 of Cruel Paradise

I nod. “Goodnight, Ms. Carson.”

On my way out, I notice the shoe rack sitting next to the entrance door. Not one pair is even halfway presentable. One set of basketball shoes in particular looks to have been taped up under the soles time and time again.

I stop and think.

She desperately needed my contract. Which is probably the only reason she agreed to it in the first place. That was fine back then—leverage is leverage, after all. But now that I’ve been here, reflecting back on that tidbit leaves me feeling fuckingstrange.

I’m assuming I’ll feel better outside of her presence, but those citrus notes stay with me long after I’ve descended the stairs and stepped back out into the funk and mayhem of the city. Before I drive back home, I send Kirill one last directive for the night.

I want a background check run on Emma’s brother-in-law.

I’m just doing my due diligence. That’s all. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing that means a damn thing.



Reagan has been on my lap now for almost half an hour, her head permanently wedged under my chin. I keep rocking her back and forth, hoping that at some point, she’s going to relax enough to close her eyes. Caroline is sitting next to me on the carpet, leaving both their beds abandoned.

“How about we sing a song?” I suggest.

“Okay,” Reagan agrees, peeking out from underneath my chin for a second. “But I still don’t want to go to sleep.”

“Oh, honey, the bad man is gone.”

Caroline picks at the carpet with one hand while the other stays firmly attached to my knee. “Yeah, but we’ll have nightmares now.”

“Mhmm.” Reagan’s muffled agreement comes from somewhere near my collarbone.

Sighing, I kiss Reagan’s head and then pat Caroline’s hand. I hate that fucking reporter for scaring them like this. And I hate that I can’t seem to do anything to reassure them.

If Sienna were here, she’d know what to say.

The door pushes open from the outside and Josh enters with—

“J, is that a sleeping bag?”

He nods. “I’m gonna sleep in here with the girls tonight. To protect them.”

My heart trembles with love for my nephew.There you are, Si. At least you left some of yourself behind.

Reagan stays on my lap, but she sits up at least. “You’re really going to sleep with us?” she asks her big brother.

He nods. “All night.”

Reagan and Caroline exchange a glance. The two of them adore Josh. They really do look at him with stars in their eyes and I pray to God that never changes. Everyone needs a big brother like Josh.

But as he rolls out the sleeping bag and positions his pillow, his gaze keeps flicking to the windows. Maybe this sleeping arrangement is as much for him as it is for the girls.

“You know what?” I say.

“What?” they chorus together.

“How about—just for tonight—you guys all bunk with me in my room?”

Caroline’s eyes immediately brighten. “Like a sleepover?”

“Exactly like a sleepover.” I turn to Josh. “I think I’d like some protection, too. Is that okay?”