Page 33 of Cruel Promise

“Can I get a hug at least?” I ask as she scampers past.

“No!” she screams before running into her bedroom. A second later, I hear the door slam.

I glance at Josh. “What’s up with her today?”

Josh gives me a noncommittal shrug that makes me think there’s definitely something going on there.

“She’s just scared, Aunt Em,” Caroline offers.

“Scared?” I put the hot pack aside and sit up. “Scared about what?”

Now, Caroline looks like she’s caught Reagan’s allergy to me. She backs away slowly, her eyes skidding from one side to the other. “Um… I dunno…”

Then she leapfrogs over one of the footstools and follows Reagan to the room. I bite my lip. Maybe I should invest in therapy sooner rather than later.

“Josh, is there something going on I should know about?” Like his sisters, he’s not looking me in the eye. “Sweetheart, you know you can tell me anything, right?”

He nods.

“Is this about the kidnapping? Or are the girls missing Ben?”

Josh just shakes his head. “That’s not it.”

“Well,something’sup. I feel like I have a bad case of the cooties.”

He smiles but it’s a half-hearted one. “I’ll go talk to them.”

He slips away and I’m left in the empty vastness of the living room. I remember being enamored by the views when I first saw them. But as it turns out, even the most beautiful view loses its appeal when you know you can’t be a part of it.

Maybe what’s going on with the kids is a simple case of boredom. They’ve been cooped up indoors for too long. They need grass and fresh air and the sound of other people.

I pick up my new phone. It feels foreign in my hand. Too big, too heavy, too sleek, and too silver. I miss my old phone. The one with the cracked screen and the fuzzy display.

EMMA:Hey. Is it possible to get a child therapist to come in a few days a week? I think it might help the kids to talk to someone.

KIRILL:We can discuss it.

Hmm. I had expected a quick and easy yes on that one. Unless he’s thinking of running it by Ruslan first…

Which is super annoying.


KIRILL:When you’re settled in at the estate.

EMMA:Excuse me. What estate?

KIRILL:I’ll fill you in on the details when I see you. I’ll be there in ten.

EMMA:I’d rather you tell me now. We’re leaving the penthouse?

He doesn’t respond. I notice him typing but then the three dots disappear and he goes offline.



Okay. This day is pissing me off. Everything feels just a little bit off-kilter. Like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something. Maybe it’s just the morning sickness. Speaking of…