Page 32 of Cruel Promise

“How’ve you two been?”

Caroline smiles. “Good! Uncle Kiki brings us new toys every day.”

Uncle Kiki.Yeah. That’s gonna have to stop.

“Where’s your aunt?”

Reagan’s little bottom lip sticks out. “She’s sick. She’s throwing up all over the bathroom.”

“Ew, Rae. Don’t be gross.”

“But it’strue.”

“I’m sure it’s just a stomach bug,” I comfort Rae, running my hand over her downy hair.

“It’s not a stomach bug!” she insists passionately. “It’s the baby. The baby’s making Aunt Emma puke all over the bathroom.”


My eyes snap up to find Josh by the entry way with my glass of water. His jaw is hanging open.

So is mine.

Did she just saybaby?

Reagan looks between me and Josh. She’s chewing on her bottom lip like Emma does when she’s nervous. “Oh no… it was supposed to be a secret. Don’t tell Aunt Emma I told you, okay, Ruslan? Please? Pretty please?”

My gaze veers to Josh again. His expression is all the confirmation I need.

For fuck’s sake.

Emma ispregnant.

And she was gonna skip town without telling me.

Yeah? Well, she can kiss that plan goodbye. Because she’s not leaving in a month.

She’s not leavingever.

I turn and storm out of the penthouse immediately. As I go, I pick up my phone and dial Kirill’s number. “Called to compliment me on making such a fantastic Lego castle?” he says when he answers. “Or is this an apology call for being such an asshole earlier?”

“I’m transferring Emma and the kids to my estate,” I snap instead of answering his questions. “Make the necessary arrangements. They’ll be moving in tomorrow.”

There’s a beat of silence. “Sure thing, boss. Everything okay?”

Great fucking question.

I wish I had an answer to it.



The morning sickness has officially hit with a vengeance.

And boy, is it frigging awful. I can’t even keep down Nutella on toast. You know shit’s getting real when your system rejects gooey chocolate on warm, toasted bread.

So I’ve been sprawled miserably on the sofa with a hot pack over my forehead, trying to get Rae to tell me why she’s been allergic to me all morning.