Page 31 of Cruel Promise

Kirill rolls his eyes. “You serious, man?”

“You do seem to enjoy spending time with them,” I point out. “Did you stay for dinner?”

Kirill cocks his head to the side. The bastard’s fucking goading me now. “Emma was making roast chicken. What was I supposed to do, say no?”

“Yes,” I hiss. “That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do. She’s fuckingusingyou.”

I burst out of my chair and storm to the door.

“Where are you going?” Kirill calls out after me.

“To put a fucking stop to it,” I yell back.

By the time I get to the Madison penthouse, I’ve worked myself up into a frenzy. I should have known better. The woman played me like a piano in order to sell me out to the sleaziest goddamn reporter in New York City. Of course she’s capable of this.

Fool me once—shame on you.

Fool me twice—and you better fucking watch your back because I’m gonna make you pay.

I walk over to the elevators imagining all the different ways I’d punish her.Maybe I’ll choke her with my cock. Maybe I’ll slap her ass raw. Maybe I’ll tie her to the bed with a vibrator strapped to her thigh and leave her there ‘til morning.The thoughts whizz through my head, each reinforced with a very vivid memory of doing something very, very similar once upon a time.

I punch in the access code furiously.


Fucking hell. She’s locked me out of my own apartment. Sure, I told her she could, but still—not the right time.

I tap in the direct number for the penthouse and listen as the line rings. A moment later, Josh answers. “Kirill, is that you?”

I see red until I clear my throat. “It’s me, Josh.”



That was fast. No follow-up questions. Noare you really Ruslan or are you just pretending to be so that you can gain access to the penthouse and come abduct us all?

I’m gonna have to have a chat with that kid.

Right after I have a chat with his aunt.

Except she’s nowhere to be seen when I march into the entry gallery. Josh is the only one waiting for me. “I knew you’d come sooner or later!” he crows in delight.

It’s enough to make me feel terrible for staying away this long. Emma deserves to be punished. Doesn’t mean the kids do. Although my decision to stay away had less to do with punishing Emma and more to do with trying to rein in my weaker instincts.

Kissing her that night at the motel from hell was a mistake. It opened up a whole Pandora’s box that I need to shut back down again. The only way I’ve figured out to do that is distance.

And masturbation.

Lots of both.

“Where’s Emma?” I grit out past my clenched teeth.

“She’ll be out soon. She’s in her room, I think. You want something to drink?”

“Just water,” I say, if only to get myself some distance from the hope in his eyes.

A few seconds after he’s disappeared into the kitchen, the girls find me in the living room. “Ruslan!” they cry in unison. I’m tackled around the waist and as per usual, take a glancing hit to the balls before either one calms down.