The air was cool and crisp. The leaves on the trees rustled gently in the breeze. Here, it felt like the unseasonable warmth everywhere else didn't exist.

I sensed it was exactly like this regardless of the time of year, or the season. Undoubtedly the result of some kind of magic.

We were greeted by more guards in front of a door that led into the palace. They looked like they might stop us from entering until they realised who Cavan was.

"High Lord Cavan." One snapped to attention. His eyes slid to me for a moment, then away like I was nothing more than a dog at Cavan's heels.

I forced my eyes down lower before my annoyance was too obvious. We'd never find the key if we didn't even make it through the door.

"You can announce my arrival to High Lord Harel," Cavan instructed.

"Yes, my Lord." The guards jumped to do as he was told. He hurried inside and spoke to someone.

After what felt like ages, he re-emerged. "My Lord will see you." He stepped aside to let us in.

"Of course he will." Cavan swept past like he owned the place. He was the absolute epitome of arrogance. If I had to decide who was cockier, him or Ryze, I’d be hard pressed to do it.

I hurried along behind him, keeping as much distance from the guards as I could.

I even managed to ignore when one of them muttered something about me being, "The Lord of Summer's slut." Apparently the Autumn Court Fae were all judgemental assholes.

The inside of the palace was as stunning as the outside. The walls were covered with tapestries of golden leaves, and richly coloured murals depicting the different seasons.

The floors were made of polished red-brown stone which reflected the sunlight that slanted through wide windows set high in the wall. Chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, dripping with gold and glass. Like everywhere else, they were shaped like leaves.

We were greeted by a courtier dressed in autumnal colours, and a couple of other guards.

"Lord Cavan," the courtier said smoothly. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence today?"

"Daniek." Cavan sounded bored. "I've come to meet with Harel. I'm sure you wouldn't want to keep him waiting."

Daniek smiled ingratiatingly. "Of course not. Come along then." He barely managed to contain his irritation at Cavan's obvious disinterest in telling him anything.

Hopefully I was better at containing my smirk. People like Daniek liked to gather up gossip, and didn't mind spreading it around. I’d bet the moment he was away from us, he'd be telling someone about us, and speculating about the reason for our visit.

Once again, I hurried along behind Cavan as if I was scared to let him out of my sight. I kept my gaze at the floor, trying to cover my annoyance.

I'd never been shy, or timid. Pretending to be so now was difficult and uncomfortable.

Better than being ordered to behave this way. If nothing else, the situation reminded me how vulnerable omegas were to alphas.

The throne room was perhaps the most magnificent thing I'd seen since stepping foot in Marial.

The walls were lined with mirrors that reflected light from two ornate chandeliers, making the room glow with warm, golden light.

The throne itself was carved from dark mahogany, and inlaid with rubies and topaz, and yet more gold leaf in the shape of leaves. No one would ever mistake which court we were in.

I glanced up briefly to see Harel on the throne, legs crossed at his knees. He looked at Cavan like he was a supplicant come to beg for his favour.

He looked at me like I was less than nothing.

I forced my eyes back down before I told him to fuck off again.

"Isn't this an interesting surprise," Harel drawled. "Cavan, and Ryze's whore. Or is she yours now? Perhaps she spreads her legs for both of you?"

I ducked my head down lower, as though ashamed of his words instead of being pissed off as fuck.

"Ryze got tired of her attitude," Cavan said. "He gave her to me to teach her how to behave. She didn't learn quickly, but she learnt thoroughly. I thought you'd appreciate seeing her, since she put our alliance in jeopardy. She's been a lot of trouble, but she's very sorry for every, every moment of it."