He gave the impression he beat me until my skin was raw and I was begging him to stop. Which led me to wonder what it would feel like if he spanked me.

Focus, I told myself.

"Is she now?" Harel slid off his throne and stepped towards us. He grabbed my chin in a tight grip and forced my face up.

I averted my eyes and swallowed like I was scared instead of in pain from the way his fingers dug into me.

"This is a delightful change from the mouthy slut. If I'm convinced she really is as broken as you say she is."

"Why would I bother to lie about something like that?" Cavan asked, sounding bored again.

"Perhaps your new allies proved unreliable," Harel said. "You wanted a way back into my good graces."

Only by sheer will, I managed to contain a snort. He wasn't just an asshole, he was delusional.

"I was never going to align with Ryzellius or Thiron," Cavan said. "They believed my reasoning for bringing all those omegas to my court. As a gesture of good faith, Ryze left this one with me. She's used goods, but when she's on her knees, she can do incredible things with her mouth."

"They actually think those other courts are real?" Harel asked derisively.

"I don't care what they think," Cavan said. "They'll stay out of my way the next time the Temple moves any potential omegas. Out ofourway."

"So you're keeping your promise to send some to me." Harel leaned in until his breath brushed my cheek.

I didn't need to fake my trembling. Being this close to him made me want to jerk my face away and drive my knee into his groin. I smelled alpha on him, thick and unyielding.

Cavan better fucking know what he was doing.

"Of course," Cavan said lightly. "We have an agreement. We build our magic and our courts become more powerful. When the time comes, we move against The Spring and Winter Courts."

That was exactly what Ryze assumed Cavan and Harel were up to in the first place. It sounded chilling coming from his mouth. Hopefully it wasn't the truth after all. If it was, he'd get a whole lot more than a knee in his groin.

Harel shoved me away so hard I almost fell on my ass.

I managed to keep my footing and moved closer to Cavan, as though scared of Harel. Honestly, I was ready to see if I could freeze or boil his brain. Maybe one, then the other.

Harel chuckled. "I like her much better like this. I'd insist on borrowing her, but I don't like ‘used goods,’ as you put it. Especially if Ryze had his cock in her. Broken or not, she's still a tainted whore. What will you do when you tire of her?"

"I'll give her to my men to play with," Cavan replied. "They aren't so fussy about where their pussy comes from."

As disgusting as this conversation was, I was relieved Harel had no interest in touching me. For a moment there, I thought he might insist on being shown I was broken.

The last thing I wanted was any of his body parts inside any of mine.

I shuddered.

Let them think it was because I was fearful of a future in which I was passed around Cavan's guards. That wasn't a lie, I didn't want that to happen either.



"It seems we have a lot to discuss." Harel flopped back onto his throne so heavily I was surprised it didn't break. Judging by the wear on the seat and the arms, it was as old as either of the Fae men. It must be well made to withstand that kind of treatment.

"Indeed we do," Cavan agreed. "I appreciate the opportunity to enjoy your hospitality."

"I'm sure you do." Harel hadn't offered, but Cavan worded it in a way that he'd be rude to decline.

I didn't think Harel gave a fuck about being rude, but presumably there was some protocol between High Lords, especially when there were courtiers hovering nearby.