"Something like that," Ryze agreed. "High Lord Cavan has been trying to extend his influence outside his court."

"Meaning?" I prompted.

"Meaning we believe he'd like to eradicate the other courts and, with them, the other seasons," Vayne said.

Ryze nodded his agreement. "You've noticed the unseasonable warmth lately. That's due to his influence. We think he wants omegas so he can transform them and make this change permanent. And by doing so, provoke us into war. That was why we had to bring you here. We couldn't let you be used as his instrument."

"So instead, you used me as yours?" I asked bitterly.

"I can see how you might interpret it that way," he conceded. "It was never my intention to hurt you. Merely to stop you from falling into the wrong hands."

"You think yours are the right ones?" I asked.

"The fact you can feel us would suggest we are," Ryze said.

I stared at him in confusion. "Is it a Fae thing or a mating heat thing?" Did I want the answer?

"It's a bonded mate thing," he said, apparently amused at my turn of phrase.

I didn't share his amusement. "Bonded mate thing?" I echoed.

"Yes," he said patiently. "Like fated mates. Meant to be. Decreed by the gods. Joined by the—"

"Fuck." I glared at him.

"That's technically correct," he agreed. "Fucking created a bond, but I've rarely heard of someone bonding three mates."

"Four," Zared said from the doorway.



"Ifeel her too, but I hoped I was the only one. After what you did to her, none of you deserve to be anywhere near her. In fact, you can get the fuck out. I'm going to speak to Khala alone." Zared glared at them all.

When they looked like they might all object, I nodded. "Please go. I need time to think. To understand what the hells is going on."

Before they could leave I quickly asked, "Can this be undone?"

It was Ryze who answered. "No," he said before he slipped out the door.

"Fuck." Zared flopped down on the bed beside me. "I'm sorry, I should have been here sooner. Those assholes made me leave and…"

"It's all right." I went to put a hand on his arm but saw those elegant fingers again and stopped. Lowered my hand. "This must be…difficult for you."

He shook his head at me. "Typical Khala. After all you went through, you're worried about me?"

"You don't like Fae," I said softly.

"I don't likethoseFae." He nodded his head in the direction the other three men went. "I thought maybe… But then they went and did this to you."

He closed his eyes and shook his head. "It doesn't change how I feel about you. It's still you on the inside."

"What if it isn't?" I asked. "What if I'm not just changed on the outside? What if…" I shook my head. I didn't even know how to put my thoughts into words. Hells, I didn't know how to put them into ordered thoughts either.

I hopped up off the bed and stalked over to the longer mirror which hung on the wall.

At some point, someone put me in loose sleep pants and a shirt that barely covered my breasts. The pants would have fallen past my feet, but now, with my longer legs, they brushed the tops of my toes.