Ryze's expression softened, almost to the point of looking apologetic. Almost.

"I'm sorry, Khala," he said, his voice gentle. "We suspected this might happen, but I didn't want to scare you. There was a very good chance you'd stay human. But now… Clearly that's not the case. It's important you know the truth."

"You think?" I said sarcastically.

They suspected I’d change and didn't think I needed to know about it? I thought I’d started to get to know them but now I realised how foolish that was. They were Fae. All my life I was told not to trust them. I got caught up with their charms. Where did that get me? Could I believe a single word that came out of their mouths?

I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. Trying, but not succeeding very well.

"All right, what truth?" I asked. "No more bullshit. You've fucked around with me enough."

Ryze hesitated for a moment, then took the mirror from Tavian’s hands and set it aside on the table next to the bed. He sat beside me.

"The truth about what you are," he said. "You're not entirely human. You never were."

"What the hells does that mean?" I demanded.

"You're part Fae," he said simply. "My guess is your father was human, but your mother was part Fae. Or perhaps the man you knew as your father isn't, in fact, your father. Or perhaps—” He shook his head. “Either way, when you went into heat, it triggered a transformation. That's what caused the pain you felt."

I stared at him. My mind raced.

"So, what am I now?" I asked tentatively.

Ryze hesitated again. "You're Fae," he said finally. "Like me. Like Tavian and Vayne. Like most of the residents of Lysarial. You may have magic."

This was getting better and better. Another surge of fear and confusion slid up my spine.

"What kind of magic?" I asked.

Ryze looked at me solemnly. "We'll have to figure that out."

This was all so much to take in. "What do I do now?" I asked.

"I suggest you rest. You must be tired after the last few days."

"I'll rest when I get more answers," I said sharply. "How can I feel your emotions? Yours and Tavian's? Vayne's too." I hadn't realised until now but I felt him as I was waking. I knew he was outside near the door. That was confirmed when he peered in a moment later.

Now Ryze looked surprised. "Gods, you're right. I feel yours too." He gave me a lazy smile. "You're really pissed off with me right now."

I snorted. "No shit. You didn't bother to tell me I might be part Fae and that mating with me might make me fully Fae." I frowned. "Am I fully Fae? Is any part of me human?"

"You seem to have your human temper intact," Ryze said dryly. "It's impossible to know for sure. Humans and Fae aren't biologically that much different. Except there's no such thing as a fully human omega."

That answer provoked another question. I looked over at Tavian. "Were you human before?"

He grinned. "No, I've always been Fae."

"But you knew what might happen to me?"

"We all did," Vayne said from where he stood leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest. "High Lord Ryzellius, in all his wisdom, decided you weren't to be told."

Without taking his eyes off me, Ryze said, "As I said before, I didn't want her scared. What would you have done if I told you? Running away wouldn't have changed anything except who you spent your heat with."

"They might have been someone who didn't flat out lie to me," I said coldly.

"It might have also been with someone from the Summer Court," Ryze said. He ran his fingertips over his brow. "Omegas transformed by their mating heat are almost always possessing some kind of magic. Usually strong." He chewed on his thoughts for a moment before he continued. "Always connected to the alpha they shared their heat with. What magic you have will highly likely be the ability to manipulate snow and ice and the like."

"So if this happened in the Summer Court, I'd—what? Be able to manipulate heat and fire?"