“Oh, it’s a party now?”

“Haven’tyou figured that out yet?WhereverIamisthe party,Nugget.”

Mylips twitch.She’snot wrong about that.Thiswoman has made me laugh more in the last five weeks thanIhave in the last two years.ThemoreI’maround her, the moreIwant to be around her.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.Youkeep telling me that.”

Sheshrugs. “Ifyou’re not your own hype woman, who else is going to do the job?”


“Okay, so maybe you’re an exception to the rule, since you have an actual publicist.Butthe rest of us have to hype ourselves up.”Whenshe runs her hands up and down her arms,Ican tell that she’s cold in the night air.Ifshe’s cold, she’ll want to go inside.AndIdon’t want the night to end yet.

Reachinginto the back of the truck,Itoss her jean jacket to her.

“Youkeep on hyping yourself up.I’mgoing to grab you a blanket from inside and make sure my dad is out for the night,”Imutter asIslide out of the truck and head for the house.

Oneof the rotation of nurses is sleeping on the old plaid couch in the living room.Imove as fast as humanly possible to open my dad’s bedroom door long enough to hear his steady breathing.Oatsis lying at the foot of the bed, keeping him company.Oatslifts his head, gives me the side-eye for disturbing him, and then goes back to sleep.Headingback to my room,Igrab the extra blanket off my bed and some condoms from my suitcase.Thewhole timeI’min the house,I’mafraid that she’s going to disappear on me.Orchange her mind.

WhenIfind her, she’s sitting on a bale of hay next to the barn and staring up at the stars.I’mstanding about six feet away from her, andIstop and stare, taking in every last bit of how good she looks in the moonlight.Theskirt of her dress is spread wide around her thick thighs.She’stapping those white cowboy boots against the dirt.Ican’t wait until those fancy white boots are dangling over my shoulders.

“Haveyou heard those rumors about me liking to be the boss in the bedroom?”

Shefinally tears her eyes off the stars to look at me.Eventually, she nods at me, but her eyes don’t meet mine.

Ofcourse, she’s heard the rumors.Everyone’sheard that particular gossip thanks toCelebritEYES. “They’retrue.”

Shetilts her head, staring up at me and meeting my eyes now. “We’renot in a bedroom.”

“Ilike being the boss whereverI’mtouching you.I’mgoing to tell you what to do.You’regoing to do it.AndI’mgoing to make you come and come and come, got it?Thereisn’t a safe word.Youtell me to stop, andI’llfucking stop.Butyou won’t want me to stop.Doyou want this,Selena?”

Shenods.Herthroat constricts again as she swallows.Idon’t see this night ending before she swallows at least one stream of my cum.Ineed to see her throat clench just like that, over and over again as my cum fills up her mouth.

“I’mgoing to make this so good for you,Ipromise.”I’venever made a promise thatIintended to keep more than this one. “Tellme you want me to do whatIwant with you tonight.Sayit,Selena.”

“Iwant you to do what you want with me tonight.”

“Saymy name.”

“Jackson,Iwant you to do what you want with me tonight.”

“Tellme you know thatI’mgoing to make you come so fucking hard.”

Sheswallows. “Jackson,Iknow that you’re going to make me come so fucking hard.”

“Begme to make you come harder than you’ve ever fucking come in your life.”

“Thisis a lot of hype…” she says with a laugh.

“Sayit, baby.”

“Jackson,I’mbegging you to make me come harder thanI’veever fucking come in my life.I…need this.”

“Yeah, you do.I’mgoing to take care of you, baby.I’mgoing to give you everything you need.”

