

“Kissme!” she whispers, and then brings her face close to mine.Hereyes closed, her lips pressed together in a hint of a smile, ready and waiting to be savaged.Byme.


“Kissme!Justdo it.Rightnow.”Hereyes are still closed, and her face looks serene.

Herface definitely doesn’t match the urgency in her voice.Hertone has me on edge.Igave her a chance to get out of this, and she told me again to kiss her.So,Itake my chance and do asI’mtold.I’mnot trying to piss her off on purpose.I’veseenSelena’stemper—sober temper, that is—more tonight thanIhave in the weeksI’veknown her.AndI’mnot interested in missing out on what could be my only chance to taste her for real.Ifthis is real?Shit,Ihave no earthly idea what’s going on.

Slidingmy hand back over her shoulder,Ipress it against the base of her neck, pushing her the last few inches towards me.Herlips are parted, ready and waiting for me.I’vebeen thinking about how that shiny lip gloss she painted on her lips would taste all night.NowI’mfinally going to find out.

Beforeshe can change her mind,Irush down and press my lips against hers.

Berry.Vanilla.Sugar.Andhops.Andsomething else.Somethingher.Somethingexactly her.Shetastes like fucking heaven.

Islide my lips against hers, softly at first.Andthen harder.Ican’t stop myself.Herlips are still slightly parted.Pressedagainst mine.Ifshe didn’t want me to slide my tongue inside her mouth, surely she’d have pressed her lips closed, right?Thiswhole kiss was her idea, soI’mletting her be my guide here.

Ineed more of her.Ineed to taste all of her.Andsince her lips are open,I’mgoing for it.Slowly,Ipush my tongue past her open lips, hoping she doesn’t push me away.

Shedoesn’t push me away.

Hertongue rushes forward to meet mine.Shepresses her lips around my tongue, opening and then clenching tight.Hertongue slides against mine.

Ican feel myself getting hard, pressing against the zipper of my jeans.Everythingin me wants to grab her hand and press it down hard onto my cock, showing her what she does to me.Showingher how badlyIwant her.Thenher hand would move against my jeans, pressing the rough fabric against my sensitive tip.Itwouldn’t take much.Twoor three strokes, andI’dbe finished.I’dcome in my pants for her so fast.

JustlikeIdid in my hand every night in bed before she fucking started sleeping in the same bed as me.Andevery morning in the shower, despite the shocks of cold water.Abit of cold water isn’t enough to make me lose my hard-on for her.Thinkingabout those pretty pink lips wrapped around my cock.Myfist in her hair.Thosesame lips thatI’mfinally getting to taste for real.Nota kiss on the cheek.Thosesame lips thatI’mfinally getting to kiss and suck on for real.

Mytongue is licking at hers in a hot, wet mess of saliva that feels so damn good.Mylips are moving against hers.Myhands are in her hair tugging on it to keep her face against mine.I’mhard as a fucking rock.WhenInotice my hand under the skirt of her dress and making its way up her thigh,Iremember where we are.OnaFerriswheel in front of the entire town.


Aslong asI’vewaited for this—as much asIwant this—we can’t do this here.Ican’t let this go any further orI’mgoing to push up the safety bar, unzip my jeans, pull her onto my lap and plunge deep, deep inside of her in front of everyone.


Itry to say her name, but all that comes out is a rumble that sounds more like a growl than anything.

“Selena.”Half-growl, half word.Better.

Whenshe opens her eyes, the look on her face is exactly whatI’vebeen dreaming of.Onlybetter.Sheblinks, confused, like she’s stepping out of a dark room into the light.Hercheeks are flushed, andIcan feel her smile against my lips.

Maybeshe wants this for real?Iknow she doesn’t want this as bad asIdo.Notfucking possible.Butmaybe she wants this, too?Maybeshe’s ready to finally put me out of my misery?MaybeIcan finally have her the wayIwant to?

“Selena.”Mylips are still pressed against hers. “Baby, we can’t do this here.Wehave to stop.”

Hereyes flash open wider, not confused now.Panicked.

“Sorry.Ohmy… oh shit.I’msorry.Ididn’t mean to-”

Shedoesn’t have time to finish becauseIpress my lips against hers again to shut her up.

“Baby, you’ve got nothing to apologize for.Youdid nothing wrong.ButIcan’t finish what you started here with all these people around, you understand me?”

Shenods, but doesn’t look convinced. “Ijust saw the photographer, andIthought it would make a good picture.Ididn’t mean to…”

“Tokiss me like you were trying to suck the life out of me?”