Jacksonshakes his head, taking my hand again. “I’mdriving.Idon’t need one.”

WhyamIangry that he doesn’t want a beer?Forsome reason, it really, really pisses me off.Whyis he always putting himself last?Whydoes he always insist on paying?Thoseare questions for a notslightlybuzzedSelenato figure out tomorrow.

WhenIyawn,Ican’t even cover my mouth becauseIhave a beer in one hand andJacksonhas my other hand trapped in his.Hestares at my gaping mouth, probably mortified that his girlfriend—even his fake girlfriend—has so little class.

“I’mgetting tired,Ithink.Butwe can’t leave without doing any of the rides.Weneed to do at least one.Whichone should we do?”

“Whateveryou want,”Jacksonoffers.


He’snot going to win this time.I’mgoing to out-gracious him, if it’s the last thingIdo.

“I’mgood with whatever you want to do.Really.”

“Me, too.”

“Forgoodness’ sake, will you two just get a room already!Goon theFerriswheel and make out, so the rest of us can have some peace!”Lilyshouts from above her beer.

“Ferriswheel, it is,”Jacksonmutters. “Gethome safe if we don’t see you again.Nodrinking and driving, got it?”

“Gotit,Dad,”Jackson’sbrothers say in unison.

“Justdo it,” he orders them again.

He’sso sweetly protective of his brothers.Butwhen he’s protective of me, it makes my rage-flag fly.Ilike to thinkI’ma pretty reasonable person, butIcan go from zero to a thousand in a split-second with this man.

Jacksontakes my pink dog and weaves his fingers through mine as we walk through the crowds towards theFerriswheel.

I’mstill sipping my beer as we join the line-up.Itmoves faster than the drinks line, andI’mleft with half a beer when we’re at the front of the line.

“Nodrinks on theFerriswheel,” the teenager running the ride calls out.


Jacksonholds out his hand. “There’sa garbage can right over there.Giveit to me.I’lltoss it.”

“I’mnot wasting it!Thisbeer was liketwelvedollars.Carnivalpricing is as bad asL.A. pricing!”Isqueal before diving head-first into my plastic cup.Idown it like a pro, and my college self would be very proud.

Jacksonstares at me with raised eyebrows asItoss my empty cup into the garbage can and march up the stairs to theFerriswheel platform.

Isit down on the farthest part of the seat, hating the way the seat rocks under me.

Jacksonsits down in the middle, his leg pressed against mine.ThenIunconsciously suck in my belly and hold my breath as the teenager we’re about to trust with our lives lowers the guard rail down.

“Youokay?Shit, you don’t like heights, do you?”Jacksonasks, his voice concerned.

“I’mokay.Ijust don’t like falling from heights.So, as long as we stay up when where we’re supposed to be,I’llbe fine.”

Jacksonputs his arm over my shoulder and tugs me against his side as theFerriswheel moves.

“I’vegot you.Andyou’re going to stay exactly where you’re supposed to be.”

Afterwe make it through the first full rotation,Ifigure the ride has proven itself andIcan relax.Justas we’re about to touch off on our second rotation,Isee cameras aimed right at us.

Idon’t think.Ijust act, leaning my face close to his.
