“Yup,Iwalked right into that one.”

Selenababbles happily about the night and how much fun she had dancing withLilyand her friends.Shetells me about all the different drinks she had.So,I’mno longer in any doubt about just how drunk she is.I’msurprised she’s still awake.

WhenIpull up in front of the house,Selenalets out a deep sigh. “We’rehome.”



GettingSelenaupright and out of the truck is harder than wrestling a crocodile, andIknow that for a fact sinceIhad to do it in a movie once.

WhenIfinally wrangle her into the house,IletOatsout to pee.ThenIstare up at the old stairs leading to the upper floor. “Canyou make it up the stairs by yourself?”

“Yes,Jackson!”Shehisses at me, before proving that she needs me to half carry her up ifIwant her to get there without a broken ankle, or worse.Oatsruns ahead of us up the stairs, thankfully.BecauseIdon’t needSelenahaving another reason to trip up them.

“Notloving how you’re saying my name.You’rekind of making it sound likeJacksonmeans asshole.”

Selenashrugs. “Well, if the shoe fits.”

“Ah, so we’re back to angry drunkSelena.WhatdoIhave to do to get back happy drunkSelena?”

“Iguess you’ll have to figure it out,Jackson!”

Tonighthas been an eye-opener.There’sa hell of a lot more sides to my sweetSelenathanIknew.

WhenIget her upstairs,Igently press her down to sit on the edge of the bed inJameson’sold room.It’ssimple.Abed.Adresser.Whitewalls.Oakfurniture.Butany room thatSelena’sin seems special.

“HowaboutIgo get you a nice, big glass of water?Andwhat ifIbring up some of that leftover pasta from the fridge?Somecarbs probably sound real good right now, don’t they?”

“Ohmy god,Jackson!You’remy hero!”

“That’sbetter.Atleast you didn’t hiss my name that time.”

“Thenight’s still young.”

“It’sreally not.”Lookingat her sitting on the bed, listing to the side,I’mnot sure ifIshould leave her. “Youokay here by yourself?”


“Backto hissing.Fan-fucking-tastic.Oatsis in charge whileI’mgone.”

Idon’t know how longIhave before she passes out or rolls off the bed or something, soIhaul ass downstairs.I’mback in her room with water and snacks in under two minutes.Oatstags along behind me, torn between getting back toSelenaand the tempting foodI’mcarrying.

Andshe’s naked.

Okay, she’s not completely naked.Sheditched her denim dress, but she’s still wearing a bra and panties.Andin my sex-starved mind, that’s downright naked.Thisis the most ofSelenaI’veever seen, and fuck me, she’s gorgeous.

She’ssitting on the side of the bed with her dress bunched up on her lap as she scans the room angrily.Hercreamy tits are practically busting out of the dark purple bra she’s wearing.Idon’t know if this is some kind of push-up bra or what, but damn it, it’s doing the job.

Ican’t see too much except her bra and a few more inches of creamy thigh because of the way she’s hanging onto the dress on her lap.IknowIshouldn’t be seeing any of her when she’s drunk, butIalso know thatIcan’t leave her like this in the state she’s in.Splittingthe difference,Isettle for staying and keeping my distance.Afterputting her water and food on the old oak dresser,Ilean back against the door frame, hands safely at my sides. “Everythingokay in here?”

Oatsis lying down on the floor at the foot of the bed, practically rolling his eyes at me.


Myconcerned expression has her shouting at me. “Inthe bathroom,Jackson!AndnowIcan’t find my shirt.Iwant myRaven’sRavinet-shirt.”

Mylips twitch. “Okay.Thanksfor the update on the peeing situation.Gladyou made it to the bathroom and back in one piece.Thist-shirt.Wheredid you see it last?”