Shetaps her index finger against her lip. “Idon’t know…”

“Letme throw you out some options.Suitcase?Closet?Dresser?”

Sheshakes her head, her eyes so narrowed that they’re almost closed. “Idon’t feel like it’s in any of those places.”

“Youdon’t feel like… did you want me to check for you?”


“Whendid you last have it?”

“Thismorning whenIgot up?”

“Okay, what did you do with your pajamas when you got dressed this morning?”

Hermouth drops wide open, making me think bad, bad thoughts.Thenshe turns around so fast she nearly falls off the bed and starts digging under the blankets.Shethrows her arm up in the air, dangling the black shirt from her fist.


“Veryimpressive,”Itell her.OnlyI’mreferring to all the creamy white skin she had on display next to her purple bra and teal thong while she was scrambling for the t-shirt, and not the fact that she found the stupid t-shirt exactly where she left it this morning.

Next, she motions for me to turn around, andIdo asI’mtold, turning to stare out into the dark hallway.

There’ssome rustling behind me, and then an enormous sigh.BeforeIcan ask if she’s okay, she’s talking.

“Doyou haveanyidea how good it feels to take your bra off?There’snothinglike it.Nothing.”

“Can’tsayIdo.Butdo you think it’s like whenItake off my boxers and let my balls fly free, dangling in the wind?”

Selenalets out a loud hmmm sound and then giggles. “Balls.”

“CanIturn around now?”

“Yes.No.Holdon a second.”

Morerustling.Bootson the ground.Morerustling.

“Okay, you can turn around now.”

Ohboy.Selenais now under the blankets with her head resting on the pillows, only her legs are sticking out the side of the bed at a ninety-degree angle.There’sa denim dress in a pile on the floor under where the boots are dangling.Thewoman’s a damn mess.Asexy mess, but a damn mess.

Oatsis up on the bed with her now, giving me the side-eye and waiting to see ifImake him move.

“Troublegetting your boots off?”

“No.Ijust… was going to do that later,Jackson.”

Morehissing, great. “Howabout you let me help you with those boots?”

“Fine, if you insist.”Shewaves toward her boots, like the whole situation is exhausting.

“Let’sget these boots off.”Pickingup one foot and then the other,Iunzip her little ankle boots and pull them and her socks off her cute little feet.Imove the boots and her dress away from the bed, so she doesn’t trip on them in the morning.Idon’t need her blaming me for that, too.It’sone thing for her to hiss my name at me when she’s this drunk, but if she keeps it up in the morning, we’re going to have a problem.

“Alright, sit up a bit, so you can drink your water.”

Theindecipherableughsound she makes tells me that ifIwant her sitting up,I’mgoing to have to take care of it myself.So,Islide my arm under her shoulders, pull her up, and shove the pillows against the headboard.ThenIdrag her up the bed, so she’s leaning against it, sitting upright enough not to choke.

Retrievingthe water and snacks from the dresser,Ihand her the water first. “Drink.”