“Hecalled me a bitch.”
“Ishould have killed him.”
“Hetold meIshould be flattered.HesaidIshould be so lucky.Whatthe hell,Jackson?Whydoes a guy have to hit on you and insult you at the same time?Whenyou’re just minding your own business trying to get some water.Ididn’t even see him.Iwas trying to get the bartender’s attention.Notsome random.”
“Ireally should have fucking killed him.”
“Hesaid thatIhad my tits out for every man in the bar to see and thatIwas just begging for some guy to buy me a drink and take me home and fuck me.Canyou believe he said that?”Shelooks angry, and shocked, and so fucking pretty in the dim light of the moon.
“I’mturning this truck around.”Glancingover my shoulder,Iassess the logistics of making a u-turn doing eighty on a single lane highway withSelenain the truck.
Shepats my hand on the steering wheel likeshe’strying to comfortme. “There’sno point.He’snot even worth another minute of our time.SometimesIjust… hate being a woman.IfIwant to show my boobs becauseIdamn well feel like it, then that’s whatI’mgoing to do.It’smy body, andIcan do whateverIwant with it.It’snot an invitation to anyone to do anythingIdon’t want them to do.”
Glancingover at her, she looks so sad.Sodefeated.
Wantingto do something—anything—to fix this for her,Ireach out and squeeze her thigh.It’sso smooth and soft,Ican’t help but run my thumb over her skin. “I’mso sorry, baby.I’msorry that he called you a bitch.I’msorry that he said any of those things to you.Baby, you didn’t do a damn thing wrong.AndIlove everything about you being a woman.”
EvenifI’mpissed at her for having her tits out whenIshould be the only man seeing them, that’s between us.Itdidn’t give any man an invitation to do what that waste of oxygen did to her tonight.
“Thankyou,Nugget.Butdon’t be sorry about the bitch part.Iwant to be a bitch.Iwant to be scary.Iwant for men to think twice before crossing me.”
Shecalled meNugget, andInever thoughtI’dbe so fucking happy to hear that word again.
“Youshouldn’t have to be scary to be safe.Apolite no means fuck off.That’swhat my mom taught us, anyway.”
“Yourmom told you it meansfuck off?”Shewhispers the curse words like my mom is in the back of the truck with a wooden spoon at the ready.
“Maybeshe didn’t use that exact language.Buttrust me, her meaning was crystal clear.”
“IwishIcould have met her.”
“Me, too.Shewould have liked you.”
“Awoman who cooks like you and doesn’t take any shit?Hellyeah, she would have loved you.”
WhenIlook over at her in the dark cab, she’s looking at me with a sweet smile dancing on her lips.
“Forrescuing me.EventhoughIobviously didn’t need it, andIhad everything under control.”
“Noted.Andyou’re welcome, not that you need to thank me.I’malways gonna protect you, baby.”
She’squiet for a beat, but not for long.
“IthinkIlove this town.It’sso cute and quaint.Ilove how everybody knows each other.Orknows their cousin.IlovedLily’sfriends.They’reso great.IloveLily.AndIlove your brothers andGunnar.Thisplace is just so great!”
“GuessIdon’t need to ask if you’re a happy drunk.”
“I’msooo happy right now.”
“Ibet you are.DrunkSelenais a wild ride.Youare officially banned from drinking withLily.”
“I’ma grown woman,Jackson.Youdon’t get to tell me what to do.Ishould go findLilyand just keep right on drinking.”